University of Toronto Professor Ratings and Reviews

3657 professor(s) found

University of Toronto

University of Toronto

Toronto, ON -

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Professor Campus Department No. of Reviews
Linlin Wang St. George Campus East Asian Studies 1 Rate
Jacob Weinrib St. George Campus Philosophy 0 Rate
Ashley Waggoner Denton St. George Campus Psychology 71 Rate
Benjamin Wright St. George Campus Film 20 Rate
David Wasserman St. George Campus Psychology 2 Rate
Sundhya Walther St. George Campus English 4 Rate
Narendra Wagle St. George Campus History 10 Rate
Ernest Weinrib St. George Campus Law 14 Rate
Nelson Wiseman St. George Campus Political Science 46 Rate
Wesley Wark St. George Campus History 21 Rate
Belinda Wang St. George Campus Engineering 22 Rate
Michael Wayne St. George Campus History 43 Rate
Kathleen Wilson Ruffo St. George Campus Fine Arts 10 Rate
Shane Williamson St. George Campus Architecture 17 Rate
Willy Wong St. George Campus Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering 22 Rate
Fred Wilson St. George Campus Philosophy 20 Rate
Anthony Wensley St. George Campus Business 21 Rate
Martin Wall St. George Campus Psychology 200 Rate
Daniel Wigdor St. George Campus Computer Science 60 Rate
Sandy Welsh St. George Campus Social Science 20 Rate
Graham White St. George Campus Political Science 15 Rate
Gary Walters St. George Campus Psychology 19 Rate
Ron Walters St. George Campus Continuing Education 0 Rate
Blair Wheaton St. George Campus Sociology 17 Rate
Jennifer Whiting St. George Campus Philosophy 11 Rate
Lucan Way St. George Campus Political Science 5 Rate
Richard White St. George Campus History 1 Rate
John Walker St. George Campus English 11 Rate
Sarah Wilson St. George Campus English 20 Rate
Karen Weisman St. George Campus English 15 Rate
Michael White St. George Campus Anthropology 0 Rate
Mitch Winnik St. George Campus Science 63 Rate
Mason White St. George Campus Architecture 9 Rate
Peter Wong St. George Campus Economics 2 Rate
Kevin Wang St. George Campus Business 16 Rate
W.G. Wolfson St. George Campus Economics 84 Rate
William Wolfson St. George Campus Economics 24 Rate
Njoke Wane St. George Campus Sociology 3 Rate
Joan Wither St. George Campus Medicine 2 Rate
Aaron Wheeler St. George Campus Chemistry 14 Rate
Jeff Wrana St. George Campus Biology 0 Rate
Andrew Wilde St. George Campus Biology 2 Rate
Kimberley White St. George Campus Criminal Justice 3 Rate
Barry Wellman St. George Campus Social Science 20 Rate
Kathy Wilson St. George Campus Geography 4 Rate
David Waterhouse St. George Campus Humanities 4 Rate
Chih Chuang Wang St. George Campus East Asian Studies 6 Rate
Cynthia Wright St. George Campus Women's Studies 10 Rate
Mary-Ann Wegner St. George Campus Humanities 22 Rate
Joe Wearing St. George Campus Political Science 20 Rate
Stephen Waddams St. George Campus Law 15 Rate
David Wortman St. George Campus Computer Science 7 Rate
Holly Wardlow St. George Campus Anthropology 23 Rate
Rodney White St. George Campus Geography 7 Rate
Peter Wright St. George Campus Engineering 16 Rate
David Welch St. George Campus Political Science 40 Rate
Stuart Whittington St. George Campus Science 10 Rate
Joseph Wong St. George Campus Political Science 40 Rate
Rhonda Ward St. George Campus History 20 Rate
Tania Watts St. George Campus Biology 4 Rate
Shirley Wu St. George Campus Health Science 6 Rate
Jim Wells St. George Campus Health Science 17 Rate
Tom Wolever St. George Campus Medicine 23 Rate
Malcom Woodland St. George Campus English 20 Rate
Ron Wilson St. George Campus Biology 21 Rate
Rebecca Wittmann St. George Campus History 8 Rate
Sarah Wakefield St. George Campus Geography 29 Rate
Shirley Wiitasalo St. George Campus Fine Arts 7 Rate
Liz Warman St. George Campus Classics 8 Rate
Zhirui Wang St. George Campus Materials Engineering 13 Rate
Xiao Hui Wang St. George Campus Ethnic Studies 3 Rate
William Weiss St. George Campus Mathematics 17 Rate
Kim Woodhouse St. George Campus Engineering 15 Rate
Piotr Wróbel St. George Campus History 21 Rate
John Wei St. George Campus Physics 7 Rate
Wendy Ward St. George Campus Science 8 Rate
Charles Ward St. George Campus Engineering 5 Rate
Melissa Williams St. George Campus Political Science 16 Rate
Greg Wilson St. George Campus Computer Science 20 Rate
Dave Wilton St. George Campus English 0 Rate
Audrey Walton St. George Campus English 3 Rate
Ryan Webb St. George Campus Management 8 Rate
Aggrey Wasike St. George Campus Not Specified 4 Rate
Bruce Watson St. George Campus Writing 0 Rate
Carolan Wood St. George Campus Anthropology 15 Rate
Elizabeth Watkins St. George Campus English 1 Rate
Suzanne Wood St. George Campus Psychology 23 Rate
Erin Webster-Reynolds St. George Campus English 0 Rate
Amy Whiteside St. George Campus Architecture 2 Rate
Andrew Wade St. George Campus Anthropology 1 Rate
Kaley Walker St. George Campus Environmental Studies 14 Rate
Victoria Wohl St. George Campus Classics 14 Rate
Stephen Wright St. George Campus Biology 17 Rate
Luhang Wang St. George Campus Economics 2 Rate
Kevin Wilkinson St. George Campus Classics 6 Rate
Yvon Yiwen Wang St. George Campus History 2 Rate
Mark Wilson St. George Campus Chemistry 3 Rate
Gary Wang St. George Campus Art History 0 Rate
Yiching Wu St. George Campus East Asian Studies 0 Rate
Rebecca Woods St. George Campus History 8 Rate
Bethany White St. George Campus Statistics 44 Rate
Adriel Weaver St. George Campus Criminal Justice 4 Rate
Paul Whissell St. George Campus Psychology 44 Rate
Tyler Wilson St. George Campus Mathematics 2 Rate
Chao Wang St. George Campus Geography 0 Rate
Jens Wollesen St. George Campus Art History 0 Rate
Panpan Wu St. George Campus Statistics 4 Rate
Yu Wang St. George Campus Actuarial Science 12 Rate
David Weinfeld St. George Campus History 1 Rate
Nicholas Welch St. George Campus Linguistics 3 Rate
Patricia Wright St. George Campus Music 1 Rate
Jessica Wolfe St. George Campus English 1 Rate
Heng Wang St. George Campus Actuarial Science 3 Rate
Geoffrey Wodtke St. George Campus Sociology 6 Rate
Lydia Wong St. George Campus Music 9 Rate
Kristin Wilson St. George Campus Psychology 0 Rate
Scot Wortley St. George Campus Criminal Justice 67 Rate
William Watson St. George Campus Criminal Justice 45 Rate
Helen Wu St. George Campus Languages 14 Rate
Cindy Woodland St. George Campus Science 21 Rate
Mike Wiley St. George Campus Health Science 40 Rate
Tamara Walker St. George Campus History 3 Rate
Brian Wilson St. George Campus Physics 41 Rate
William Wahl St. George Campus Religion 4 Rate
Valerie Watt St. George Campus Biology 7 Rate
Ben Wong St. George Campus Culinary Arts 4 Rate
Cameron Walter St. George Campus Music 1 Rate
Gilbert Walker St. George Campus Chemistry 16 Rate
Sabri Ward St. George Campus Computer Science 0 Rate
Arthur Weis St. George Campus Biology 10 Rate
Michael Widener St. George Campus Geography 15 Rate
Christine Wong St. George Campus Biology 12 Rate
Yiqing Wu St. George Campus East Asian Studies 1 Rate
Michael Wheeler St. George Campus Medicine 1 Rate
John Wesley St. George Campus English 12 Rate
Peter Weiss St. George Campus Engineering 19 Rate
Joe Whiting St. George Campus Political Science 0 Rate
Jane Wolff St. George Campus Architecture 10 Rate
Simone Walker St. George Campus Psychology 5 Rate
Arnold Weinrib St. George Campus Law 2 Rate
Nancy Williamson St. George Campus Social Science 0 Rate
David Wand St. George Campus International Studies 5 Rate
Jeremy Wong St. George Campus Mathematics 4 Rate
Christopher Watts St. George Campus Anthropology 8 Rate
Denis Walsh St. George Campus Philosophy 5 Rate
Cherie Werhun St. George Campus Psychology 5 Rate
David Williams St. George Campus Science 5 Rate
Kent Womack St. George Campus Business 19 Rate
Stephanie Walsh St. George Campus French 7 Rate
David Wilson St. George Campus History 17 Rate
Dan White St. George Campus English 13 Rate
Martin Wojtowicz St. George Campus Science 12 Rate
William Walker St. George Campus History 20 Rate
William Wright St. George Campus Music 8 Rate
Rinaldo Walcott St. George Campus Social Justice 2 Rate
Brandon Watson St. George Campus Philosophy 5 Rate
Don Waterfall St. George Campus Philosophy 20 Rate
Andrew Woolley St. George Campus Chemistry 13 Rate
Chris Warley St. George Campus English 45 Rate
Greg Wells St. George Campus Physical Ed 4 Rate
Francine Wynn St. George Campus Nursing 7 Rate
David Wright St. George Campus Political Science 15 Rate
Donald Wiebe St. George Campus Theology 0 Rate
Melanie Woodin St. George Campus Science 7 Rate
Wendy Wong St. George Campus Political Science 19 Rate
Rong Wang St. George Campus Geography 1 Rate
Vicky Whitmell St. George Campus Information Science 1 Rate
Peter Wells St. George Campus Pharmacology 3 Rate
Ashley Wright St. George Campus History 6 Rate
Young Wu St. George Campus Economics 6 Rate
Flora Ward St. George Campus Art History 2 Rate
Hua Wang St. George Campus Business 8 Rate
Iain Wilson St. George Campus Political Science 3 Rate
Patrick Walls St. George Campus Mathematics 8 Rate
Jude Welburn St. George Campus English 0 Rate
Linda Wayne St. George Campus Women's Studies 0 Rate
Yanqin Wu St. George Campus Astronomy 9 Rate
Lorraine Weinrib St. George Campus Law 4 Rate

University of Toronto Professors Stats:

  • Total number of professors indexed: 3657
  • Total number of reviews submitted:

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