He has an accent and talks very low. He does not post grades. You don't know your grade. You have to go to his office, which is awkward. The lectures are very slow and he reads the PowerPoints. There are extra credit opportunities. But you definitely have to try to get a good grade.
Professor Murgulet is a really sweet guy. However, I personally did not enjoy his class. At the beginning of semester, he said that laptops were okay. Then, he randomly decided to change it and was very strict about electronics. His lectures were very fast paced and it didn't really help me out much in the class. The material covered wasn't always on exam too. I suggest you do the homework.
Professor Murgulet, was a very difficult teacher to have, because he spoke very softly and has a thick accent. These two things made this class very difficult. However, he also seemed to teach the class as if we already knew the subject. His lectures also consisted of him, purely reading his PowerPoint. Honestly. this wasn't useful for me, when I attended his class.
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi - Chemistry
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