Montclair State University - Business Law
Professor - Pre-Legal Program
Legal Language Skills taught to university students in the Pre-Legal Program.
Adj. Assistant Professor, Division of Business and Management Sciences
Statistics and Management
Assistant Professor of Business Law/Course Coordinator - Feliciano School of Business
Appointed 2015: Primary role is to assist chair in managing quality assurance across multiple core course sections. Work with faculty who are teaching a section or sections of core undergraduate program courses to help ensure: (a) consistency and appropriate coverage of content across sections and instructors, and (b) achievement of course and program learning goals. Coordination among core course instructors to increase the likelihood that best methods and practices will be employed, and help build camaraderie among faculty.
Adj. Professor, Feliciano School of Business
Business Law, Business Law for Accountants, Legal Issues in Forensic Accounting
Adj. Professor, Stillman School of Business
Business Law, Products Liability
Committee Member
Assisted in campaign of John V. Kelly, III, Esq., Essex County Freeholder, 5th District.
Doctor of Law (J.D.)
Professor - Pre-Legal Program
Legal Language Skills taught to university students in the Pre-Legal Program.
Master of Laws (LL.M.)
Securities and Financial Regulation
Adj. Professor, Stillman School of Business
Business Law, Products Liability
Blogging on all things relevant to a B-school business law course.
Blogging on all things relevant to a B-school business law course.
Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice
Consultant to major law firm re: petition for writ of certiorari to U.S. Supreme Court.
Blogging on all things relevant to a B-school business law course.
Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice
Consultant to major law firm re: petition for writ of certiorari to U.S. Supreme Court.
The Dartmouth Law Journal
Blogging on all things relevant to a B-school business law course.
Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice
Consultant to major law firm re: petition for writ of certiorari to U.S. Supreme Court.
The Dartmouth Law Journal
Blogging on all things relevant to a B-school business law course.
Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice
Consultant to major law firm re: petition for writ of certiorari to U.S. Supreme Court.
The Dartmouth Law Journal
University of Detroit Mercy Law Review