Prof. Wilhelm's class is pretty easy. You have to show up because he grades attendance. He gives group projects and he's an easy grader. It wasn't hard at all.
He sort of gets that a lot of the stuff that's covered in the course is useless, so he does his best to make it more useful. I got annoyed when he switched the point values on two of the projects without telling anyone. There was a lot of work going in to getting an A, but he was a good choice.
Texas State University - Communication
Master of Arts - MA
Communication and Media Studies
Communication Studies Graduate Association
Texas State University
Bachelor's degree
Although my degree focus was English Literature
reading was only a portion of what I actually did as an English major. My focus was
more specifically
critical analysis
and editing. Literature was only the means by which I developed these skills
which I later applied in my graduate studies.
English Language and Literature
National Society of Collegiate Scholars\nHonors College
Texas State University
Texas State University
Texas Area
Texas State University
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: