The class of Professor Skonieczny, is graded on 4 exams and a cumulative score of all the 13 laboratories. The lowest exam is dropped. Meaning, each exam is worth 25% of your grade and the last 25% as the laboratory grades. Also, be prepared to do more than ten hours of homework per week, if you want a B grade or higher. Do not take his class if you're not willing to put in effort for your grade.
Professor Skonieczny only graded off four exams and thirteen labs. His exams are seven questions. He's a harsh grader and is very picky on how you solve the problems on significant figures. He even marked me down for a square root symbol not all the way across the number. Honestly, I studied more than 25 hours every exam. So be prepared to do work. The saving grace for my grade was a five percent grade boost he gives for perfect attendance.
Macomb Community College ALL - Physics
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