Attending her class is not required because lectures are done online. No class participation. 3 papers, 1 reaction paper. 3 tests. No final examinations. Lectures are direct and easy. Be sure to keep up, and take notes because not everything can be found in her lectures. Includes reading books and plays. You have to watch 5 plays as well.
Prof. Lunt is the best teacher I've ever had. She's very understanding and caring. Class consists of writing annotations, reading the assigned material, and discussing it the next class meeting. To get an A, I would really suggest that you try and participate at least 5 times a day. She also gives about 4 essays and one final in class essay. You'll be fine as long as you answer promptly.
Her class is passable, so I recommend her. She gives tough grades on essays. There are three online quizzes, one final exam, and one in-class presentation. The presentation can be done by yourself or with the help of others. We also do film reviews. To complete the quizzes, you'll need the book. Her lectures consist of her reading from a powerpoint presentation. She is, nonetheless, nice!
California State University Stanislaus - Theater
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: