I took Prof Johnson for Bio Lab, I'm not a science major so it didn't come easy to me. You have to purchase the lab workbook! Every class you will do a lab, after three labs you take a test. Make sure you read the pages before the test because the questions come from there. She takes roll on top hat, so you have to attend class. And don't get caught on your phone or she will go off!
Southern University and A&M College - Biology
Biological Science Professor at Southern University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area
I have been teaching since 2000, I have taught classes in General Biology for both majors and non-majors, General Microbiology, Principles of Research, Biology Seminar, Anatomy and Physiology, and Sustainability. My teaching philosophy is shaped by several core components:
1. Demonstrate a broad understanding, and passion for the subject matter presented.
2. Present subject matter in away in which audience is able to grasp concepts.
3. Incorporate and be proficient with multiple mediums of obtaining information such as; text books, internet resources, journals (peer-reviewed), and utilization of laboratory research.
4. Structure time-frames for different ‘learning styles’, be it visual, hands on, or audio which appreciates the diversity of students’ background.
5. Encourage dialogue by providing time for student’s to test their cogitative processes.
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Microbiology and Toxicology
Doctoral Candidate of Philosophy (PhD)
Urban Forestry/ Environmental Microbiology/ Plant Pathology