University of Mary Washington - Geography
Visiting Assistant Professor
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Human Geography
Cartography and GIS
Resource Management in Parks and Protected Areas
Adjunct Instructor
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Human Geography
Cartography and GIS
Visiting Instructor
Courses Taught:
Geography of Eastern United States & Canada
Geography of Western United States & Canada
Introduction to Human Geography
Assistant Professor of Geography
Courses Taught:
Principles of Geography
Introduction to Human Geography
Research Methods in Geography
World Regional Geography
Introduction to GIS
GIS Applications for Business and Social Science
Urban Geography
Geographic Information Analysis
Recreation and Tourism
Historical Geography
GIS for Research (LEAD PhD program)
Introduction to GIS (MGIS degree program)
Directed Readings and Research (MGIS degree program)
Associate Professor
Stephen worked at University of Central Arkansas as a Associate Professor
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Master of Science (MS)
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)