Prof. Alston is my favorite prof. at NSU. She approaches you if she feels that you are struggling. She is very attentive to your concerns as well. You will do well as long as you participate in class. She expects you to meet her halfway. Since she teaches master's level students, do not expect to have your hand held through her class. She expects you to excel and talks to you as an equal.
Dr. Alston is too strict and unrealistic in her expectations of her students. She takes absences personally and will fail you even if you have a legit excuse. As a social worker you would expect her to be a little more understanding of absences and emergencies, but she does not care. She assumes that students are just lazy or lying about absences.
Research is the passion of Professor Alston. She holds her students to a standard. She took learning outside the classroom. She hosted symposiums or events that her students can be a part of. Her classes were not easy so it might be confusing. However, she's approachable and will help you with anything. Just do your work, be engaged and you will have no problems.
George Mason University - Social Work
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