Tulsa Community College - Biology
Adjunct Professor at Oklahoma State University and Tulsa Community College
Health, Wellness & Fitness
Campbell, MS, RD, LD
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Registered Dietitian dedicated to improving quality of life by promoting nutrition and fitness as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Currently teach nutrition courses at the undergraduate college level. CPR/AED certified. Specialized in Applied Exercise Science (MS).
Adjunct Professor
Teach NSCI 3543 Food in the Human Environment and NSCI 3223 Nutrition Across the Lifespan.
Adjunct Professor
Teach NUTR 1653 Basic Nutrition and NUTR 4243 Life Cycle Nutrition.
Certified Personal Trainer
Trained clients to improve strength, cardiovascular endurance, body composition and overall well-being. Created customized exercise routines that aligned directly to an individual's lifestyle and personal goals.
Clinical Dietitian
Facilitate ShapeDown program for overweight/obese children and their parents at the Health Zone. Teach parents how to effectively promote and facilitate healthy eating habits among their family members to treat child obesity and weight gain. Provide basic tools for families to engage in behavior change in order to improve quality of life.
Adjunct Professor
Teach BIOL 1383 Basic Nutrition and PHED 2111 Professional Careers in Nutrition. Provide students with an understanding of basic nutrition components and application to their personal lifestyle to achieve a healthier well-being.
Master of Science
Health and Human Performance, Applied Exercise Science
Recipient of OSU's Senior of Significance Award and College of Human Environmental Sciences (CHES) Senior of Excellence Award, officer of CHES Student Council, member of Student Alumni Board, Mortar Board, Scholar Leaders and Freshman Representative Council.
Bachelor of Science
Nutritional Sciences; Nutrition and Exercise
Adjunct Professor
Teach NSCI 3543 Food in the Human Environment and NSCI 3223 Nutrition Across the Lifespan.
Fulfilled two graduate-level courses from the Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
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