Trinity Washington University - Philosophy
Professor of Psychology at Trinity Washington University
Education Management
Shalayna L.
Washington D.C. Metro Area
I am highly interested in obtaining a position that will allow me the ability to be of assistance to all people within the higher educational setting. Presently, I am looking for continued employment and strongly believe that I can make a great difference within any educational institution, if given the opportunity.
Throughout my employment history, I have worked with youth, young adults and senior citizens to accomplish the common goal of obtaining educational success. I truly believe that by expanding my employment experiences within the community, it will not only further enhance my given abilities of working with people, but will continue to increase my passion of making a difference in any individual’s life through education. Furthermore, by continuing to be a teacher and mentor within the community, it also gives me a better understanding of our constantly evolving society.
Specialties: Management (12 yrs.), Psychology Curriculum Developer, Instructor & Tutor of Psychology, Financial Specialist, Program Marketing & Implementation, Customer Relations & Service, Moodle Online Learning Software, Canvas Online Learning System, and Blackboard Online Learning System,
Program Attendant
Organized and supervised summer youth basketball league; Provided clerical support, supervise facility and activities; Processed payroll and purchase orders for entire department; Conducted field trips, planned curriculum, and evaluated programs for youth after school and senior citizens; Assisted with registrations, memberships and provided strategic marketing for all programs; Designed senior citizen program newsletter/calendars; Provided planning and direct transportation for the youth and senior citizens programs; Maintained financial reports and fees during the fiscal year for all programs.
Childcare Director
Developed and implemented programs that promote hands-on activities for children
in the before and after care environment; Supervised, trained, and instructed employees; Conducted in-service training and attended workshops; Prepared and monitor program's annual budget; Interviewed applicants for employment; Purchased all supplies and equipment necessary for all activities; Kept accurate records and submit written reports; Conducted staff meetings and conferences; Established and maintained filing system and financial records; Collected, distributed and deposited weekly financial transactions to proper accounts; Conducted Parent-Advisory Committee meetings; Coordinated activities with other agencies within and outside the local county; Conducted conferences with parents about participants' health needs and behavior problems.
Professor of Psychology
Distribute and review the course material and syllabus during course meeting times; Utilize active learning methods and use a variety of instructional strategies designed to assist the learner in meeting the objectives of the course; Follow the course or program standard design; Arrange for the acquisition along with the preparation of appropriate materials and equipment in a timely manner necessary to meet course objectives; Provide prompt and accurate in the recording and reporting of student data including 10% reports and final grade reports; Teaching students within the traditional classroom and distance learning settings
Professor of Psychology
Provide quality learning opportunities that assist students in meeting their educational goals and career aspirations on a semester basis; Teach all assigned classes and hours as determined with class assignments; Plan for instructional activities to include, but not limited to, lecture, class discussion, demonstration labs, and projects; Organize concepts to be taught in a logical and understandable sequence covering all objectives as outlined in the course syllabus and lesson guides; Provide a classroom environment conducive to learning; Maintain expertise and technical competence in applicable field of study.
Summer Coach/Camp Counselor
Developed rising youth talent within the game of Basketball; Taught character conduct, sportsmanship, basic skills, and nutritional habits; Coordinated strength and conditioning workouts; Administered injury and first aid solutions; Counseled individual and team needs.
Post Master's Certificate
Online Psychology Teaching
Master of Science
Bachelor of Arts