I had Prof. Harvey's class during winter and it was pretty easy. She only gave 1 paper and we had to download an app to take our quiz and exams. She allows open notes for quiz and even allows talking to classmates. The exam isn't allowed notes but you can talk with classmates.
Professor Harvey's class had a smooth transition to online because of COVID. The communication is good until the end. She reopened the last non-cumulative test for me, but it stayed at a zero in the grade book, pending for her approval. Unfortunately, she never did. It dropped my grade from an A to C. She has no response to any of my messages about it. Also, she never returned my grades in my semester paper.
Victor Valley College - Psychology
Farmer extraordinaire at Flip Flop Ranch
Lucerne Valley, California
Flip Flop Ranch is a working farm and educational center teaching visitors about farmlife and encouraging self-sufficiency. Through our farmstay, day experiences and classes, you can experience what farm life is really like and learn some new skills while you’re at it.
We are a small family run farm dedicated to teaching farm skills and to the preservation of endangered, heritage livestock breeds.
Serina worked at Victor Valley College as a Faculty
Board Sub Committee Member
Serina worked at Lucerne Valley Economic Development Association as a Board Sub Committee Member
Azalea Trails Girl Scout Camp
Horse Riding Program Director
Serina worked at Hope International University as a Faculty
Program director
Flip Flop Ranch is a working farm and horse rescue. We breed rare heritage livestock. We also bring veterans, victims of domestic violence and others with emotional health issues onto the farm to work with our rescue horses. Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
Master of Arts (MA)
Marital and Family Therapy
Marital and Family Therapy
Journal of Forensic Science
Journal of Forensic Science
Journal of Forensic Science