University of New Brunswick - Mathematics
Master of Arts (MA)
Studied English and Writing\nDean's List 1989-91\nGraduated Magna Cum Laude\nWorked at WNMU
the local public service television station as support staff and media representative writing press releases
helping with capital campaigns
and maintaining donor mailings\nMember of Sigma Tau Delta (English Honors Society)\nAwarded the Sigma Tau Delta Writer's Key for publication in The Rectangle
Fall 1990\nWinner of the 1990 Academy of American Poets College Poetry Prize\nScholarship recipient to the Cranbrook Academy of Fine Arts
1990 \n
English and Writing
Sigma Tau Delta (English Honors)
Northern Michigan University
Online Instructor Training
Michigan Virtual University
Michigan Virtual University
Distance Learning
Creative Writing
Student Affairs
Student Development
University Teaching
Faculty Development
Curriculum Development
Academic Advising
Adult Education
Higher Education
College Teaching
Third Wednesday
The poem appearing in this publication is \"Blackberry Summer.\"
Third Wednesday
Am engrossing collection of essays that explore all aspects of parenthood. The essay published in this collection is titled \"My Daughters' Births.\"
Mamas and Papas: On the sublime and heartbreaking art of parenting
Anthology of contemporary Michigan poetry edited by Michael Delp
Conrad Hillberry
and Josie Kearns. Foreword by Donald Hall.
New Poems from the Third Coast: Contemporary Michigan Poetry
A compelling mix of fiction
and memoir
Voice on the Water gathers together the voices of contemporary Native writers and artists from Michigan's communities. Two poems appeared in this anthology: \"Mary Amyotte\" and \"The Medicine Bag
\" and a memoir
\"The Birch Basket.\"
Voice on the Water: Great Lakes Native America Now
Poetry Chapbook\n\nRosalie Petrouske is a true student of both the word and the world. In poem after poem
she focuses her gaze on mysteries large and small
then reveals through the intricacies of language a map to the world around and the landscape within. Her poems remind us to pay attention; they are to be savored
line by line. -- Laura Apol
author of Requiem Rwanda\n\nThe poems in Rosalie Sanara Petrouske's What We Keep are elegant and precise
a deft blendings of lyric and narrative
the images arresting
and the intensity of incidents recalled emotionaly resonant. What I admire most is her observing eye and her uncompromising honesty as she charts that territory of the heart hungering -- Jack Driscoll
author of The World of a Few Minutes Ago.
What We Keep
\"A Postcard From My Mother\" is a delicately woven magic carpet that lifts us and carries us away on a journey to the inner world of four generations of women. Rosalie Sanara Petrouske shows us how joy and sorrow can hold our world together as we step over this threshold of Life Before Birth that she has created into the heart of Everywoman. I am deeply moved by these stunningly sensuous poems which honor the natural world at the same time that they are true celebration of the feminine.\" ~ Judith Minty
Author of Walking with the Bear-Selected and New Poems\n\n\"With sustained grace
Rosalie Sanara Petrouske recounts the mystery
and sorrow of mother/daughter relationships in A Postcard From My Mother. Moments of heartbreaking beauty and loss are celebrated with images that glisten and ring true. \". . . All this to chose from
all this to savor-tartness
/honey and brine. . . \"--these lines from a poem in this remarkable collection best describe the reader's rich and varied experience.\" ~Miriam Pederson
Author of This Brief Light
A Postcard from My Mother
An Essential Weekly Planner for Writers. Work appeared in both the 2010 and 2012 calendars.
Bylines Writer's Desk Calendar
The poem appearing in this anthology was \"Dragons by the River.\"
River Poems: An Anthology of Poetry on the Allure of Rivers
Rosalie Sanara
American Lung Association
Lansing Community College
Michigan Works! Association
Youth Volunteer Corps
Michigan Nonprofit Association
Teach Freshman Composition I & II; Honors Composition; Technical Writing; Creative Writing;and English 122 (Writing about Literature) to a diverse student population face-to-face
online and hybrid sections; offer instruction
exercises and feedback in the process and principles of writing effective expository essays
business letter
mechanism descriptions
and other documents; Provide written comments on assignments to encourage and facilitate student growth over the course of the semester
counsel students in portfolio preparation and evaluate student work; Participate in portfolio seminars
departmental meetings and professional development/planning activities; Member of the Composition and Distance Learning teams.
Professor Of English
Lansing Community College
East Lansing
Created and processed written proposals in support of Michigan Nonprofit Association
including organizing information for marketing and member communications; Responsible for the administration of the Volunteer Centers of Michigan's AmeriCorps and New Partnerships VISTA programs; Supervised 20 AmeriCorps and VISTA members
conducted site visits to seven host sites statewide and evaluated service components; Planned and facilitated trainings for National Service Members; Monitored $209
927 program budget
completed monthly and quarterly budget reports
and quarterly reports to funding agencies.
Program Manager
Michigan Nonprofit Association
directed and evaluated community service projects for and with youth volunteers; Conducted community needs assessments and recruited over 500 youth for community service projects; Identified and developed links between Youth Volunteer Corps and other nonprofit agencies to increase capacity
quality and diversity of youth service opportunities; Provide direct supervision and leadership for teams of 8-12 middle and high school youth on community service projects; Coordinated weekly staff meetings for Youth Volunteer Corps/AmeriCorps Volunteers and served on planning committee for National Youth Volunteer Corps conferences; Planned and implemented Martin Luther King Service Day initiative involving over 200 youth volunteers and distributing 800 biographies of Dr. King to pre-schoolers
fourth and fifth grade students; Created curriculum and materials for Service Learning projects in the areas of Conflict Resolution
Cultural Diversity
Disability Awareness and Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention.
Program Coordinator
Youth Volunteer Corps
Provided academic counseling to students participating in the Job Training Partnership Act at Northern Michigan University; Advised students in making career choices and monitored classroom training progress by meeting with participants and educational providers on a regular basis; Instructed participants in conducting and preparing for a job search with resume writing
interviewing techniques and workplace transition; Performed written and oral presentations to appropriate networking agencies regarding Michigan Works programs; Wrote and edited six-county wide program-specific newsletter and monthly job tips column
\"Working Wonders.\"; Facilitated motivational workshops on resume writing and interviewing skills to 40-plus participants each session.
Workforce Development Professional
Michigan Works! Association
Coordinated \"Blow the Whistle on Asthma\" walkathons in the Tri-county Lansing and Grand Rapids areas bringing in over 75
000; Managed Teens Against Tobacco Use
a peer education
service-learning program in twenty-five area high schools involving over 100 youth volunteers and reaching over 7
000 elementary school-aged youth; Coordinated the NOT (Not On Tobacco) teen cessation program in seventeen area high schools; planned service learning events and facilitator trainings for over 100 teens and adult volunteers; built collaborative relationships with schools
and other community-based organizations (both external and internal); compiled reports
monitored program outcomes and wrote grants for continued funding of programming throughout the Tri-county area; prepared press releases and marketing materials.
Senior Program Specialist
American Lung Association
Red Cedar Writing Project
Michigan State University Alum