He just talks about his life and proceeds to give everyone bad grades. In my class, the group projects average 63% but it is worth 25% of your grade. Poor Professor hardly teaches any more.
As an intro to marketing class, it was super difficult. Applying things from the real world into lectures is great, but the exams are just too hard. There's a group project that will either drop your grade or bring it up, and your members are chosen for you. Make sure to have self-discipline here.
Professor Broyles' instruction is to be taken seriously, and attending the class is necessary. Good teacher but you will fail if you don't take everything seriously.
don't waste your money on the textbooks, because this professor won't use it. I learned a lot, and the team project was tough, but my team members were great. Absolutely challenging exams, and if you don't take the time to read and understand questions, you will have a great challenge. Everything in the exam is based on the discussion of the class.
Professor Broyles, is a decent teacher. He's caring that, he wants you to gain valuable skills. He teaches well and some of his slides, help the students to relax too. For his exams, he wants you to read the questions and analyze. There's a group project in class and he selects the team randomly. Don't buy the textbook, because you won't be using it.
California State University Fullerton - Marketing
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: