Sébastien Sacré

 Sébastien Sacré

Sébastien Sacré

  • Courses7
  • Reviews18


University of Toronto St. George Campus - French


  • 2013

    Certificate in Creative Writing

    Creative Writing

    University of Toronto - School of Continuing Studies


  • 2005

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Title of Graduate thesis: “Spiritualité et réalisme merveilleux dans la littérature antillaise : la (re)construction d’une identité” (407 pp).\nSupervisor : Prof. Alexie Tcheuyap.

    French Language and Literature

    University of Toronto

  • 2004

    Master's degree

    Title of research essay: “Maurice G. Dantec: la fusion des genres dans l’extrême contemporain”\n(110 pp).\nSupervisor : Prof. Michel Lord.

    French Language and Literature

    French Club - Writing Lab - and others

    University of Toronto

  • 2003

    DEA (Master 2)

    Title of research essay : “Merveilleux et fantasmagorie dans l’oeuvre de H.P. Lovecraft” (110 pp).\nSupervisor : Prof. Denise Terrel.

    English Language and Literature/Letters

    Universite Nice Sophia-Antipolis

  • 2001


    Title of research essay : “Harry Potter

    a modern fairy tale” (158 pp).\nSupervisor: Prof. Michel Remy.

    Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign Language

    Universite Nice Sophia-Antipolis

  • 1995

    Baccalaureat International - ES

    Albert Ier

  • Environmental Awareness

    Student Affairs


    Language Teaching

    Multicultural Sensitivity/Awareness

    Higher Education


    Academic Writing

    Teaching Translation


    University Teaching

    Student Development


    Creative Writing

    Social Sciences



    English Literature

    Qualitative Research

    French & Francophone literatures

    “Maximilien Laroche

    un autre regard sur la littérature et l’identité haïtiennes”

    “Maximilien Laroche

    un autre regard sur la littérature et l’identité haïtiennes”

    Three entries: “Makandal”

    “Tortuga” and “Jacques Roumain”


    merveilleux et fantasmagorie dans Quand vient la nuit de Daniel Sernine : la perméabilité des genres

    “La mise à distance de l’Afrique ancestrale dans les romans antillais contemporains”

    “Freedom and slavery in Maryse Condé’s I

    Tituba : from spiritual adaptation to universal magic”

    Book review : “Orwell et 1984 : trois approches”

    “Fantasme et sexualité dans les littératures caribéennes francophones : des dangers du stéréotype aux transformations mythiques”

    “Les mythes

    l’histoire et la mémoire dans les littératures caribéennes francophones contemporaines”

    “Désirs frustrés

    aliénation et souci d’autrui : Les rapports entre l’éthique et la morale dans les romans de Michel Houellebecq”

    Pascal Riendeau

    “L’écriture de la torture comme art romanesque : pensée éthique et création littéraire dans Le maître de jeu de Sergio Kokis”

    “Le navire négrier et l’océan de la traversée dans les romans antillais contemporains: mise en place d’un mythe des origines. ”

    Book review: “Writing Absence

    Facing Exile ”


    Musee Oceanographique de Monaco

    University of Toronto

    International House Nice

    Associate Professor

    Teaching Stream


    Canada Area

    University of Toronto



    Canada Area

    University of Toronto

    International House Nice

    University of Toronto



    Course Coordinated between 2010 & 2016:\n•\tFRE240H – Introduction to literary analysis [2 instructors

    80 students].\n•\tFSL221Y1Y – French Language II [+/- 16 instructors

    300 students].\n•\tFSL100H1F & FSL102H1S - Introductory French [+/- 5 instructors

    250 students].

    Course Coordinator

    Courses taught between 2002 & 2016:\n\nLANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING\n•\tJFI 225Y – Second Language Learning\n\nTRANSLATION & STYLISTICS\n•\tFSL375Y1Y – Translation: Theory and Practice\n\nLITERATURE\n•\tFRE 240H – Introduction to Literary Analysis\n•\tFRE 326H1 – Contemporary French Literature\n\nCULTURE \n•\tCCR199Y – French and francophone cultures beyond stereotypes.\n•\tFSL 362Y1 – La Francophonie\n\nFRENCH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE\n•\tFSL 100H1 – French for Beginners \n•\tFSL 102H1 – Introductory French\n•\tFSL 121Y1 – French Language I\n•\tFSL 221Y1 – French Language II\n•\tFSL 321Y1 – French Language III\n•\tFSL 281Y1 – Language Practice II: Written and Oral French\n•\tFSL 381Y1Y – Language Practice III: Written and Oral French\n•\tFSL 431Y1 – Practical French III\n•\tFSL 443H1S – Language Practice II: Oral French\n•\tFSL 473H1S – Oral French in Context\n•\tFSL 6000 – Reading French Course for Graduate Students\n•\tFREC01H3-F – Practical French V (UofT Scarborough Campus)

    Assistant Professor

    Teaching Stream


    Canada Area

    University of Toronto

    Musee Oceanographique de Monaco

    University of Toronto Fellowship

    University of Toronto

    Katie Keeler French Language Fellowship

CCR 199


FRE 240


FSL 221


FSL 375
