St. Francis Xavier University - Computer Science
Science teacher
Taught science in grades 7-8
Chief Operating Officer
Adopted 3 babies,
Got my Master of Arts in the Teaching of Chemistry degree from St. Francis Xavier University.
Had two more children which made a total of 5 children under the age of 9.
Took 30 credits of computer science and accounting courses at ST. FXU
Learned database, accounting and spreadsheet software on my own
Did some accounting software consulting for small businesses
Started The Antigonish Community Food Bank as its first President
Received Antigonish Volunteer of the Year Award
Taught introductory computer science courses in the Information systems department and a computers in education course in the education department.
Service Committee member
Because 50 % of children living below the poverty line do not have a single book of their own at home, began a project to give about 500 childrena free book every month of the school year. Since I began this project, we have given away 12,000 books. The children we serve have shown a much greater (60%) interest in reading and 35% raised their reading levels.
Taught the introductory computers in business courses as well as a database and Microsoft office tools course.
Master of Arts in Teaching
Bachelor of Science
Chemistry Education