National University - Accounting
Instructor in Taxation and Accounting
Russell worked at Point Loma Nazarene University as a Instructor in Taxation and Accounting
Attorney at Law
Russell worked at Dr. Russell O. Parkman, CPA, Esq. as a Attorney at Law
Instructor, Audit & Government
Russell worked at Becker CPA Review as a Instructor, Audit & Government
Tax Coordinator
Russell worked at UC Davis as a Tax Coordinator
Assistant Professor
Russell worked at National University as a Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor/ Grad Acctg Lead
Russell worked at National University as a Assistant Professor/ Grad Acctg Lead
Adjunct Professor
Recent Co-Authored Pedagogy Article published in the Journal of Innovative Teaching:
In the Higher Education section, the article by Amber W. Lo, Jodi Reeves, Paul Jenkins,
and Russell Parkman, Retention Initiatives for Working Adult Students in Accelerated Programs
examines the applicability of Tinto’s Institutional Action Model to AL students who are both
full-time workers and parents. Empirical data were collected from surveys and analyzed
statistically. Overall, most of the recommended initiatives from the Institutional Action Model
are positively perceived by these students. Institutions that target working adult students can use
the results of this research to fine-tune student retention initiatives in their AL programs. This
research helps to better understand student retention in accelerated learning programs.
AB Economics/Accounting
Accounting, Economics & Business Administration
Instructor in Taxation and Accounting
Master of Divinity (MDiv)
Classical, Applied and Professional Ethics
Juris Doctor
Taxation/JD/MBA Program
Attended some refresher work in 2012
Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching Volume 9
In the Higher Education section, the article by Amber W. Lo, Jodi Reeves, Paul Jenkins, and Russell Parkman, Retention Initiatives for Working Adult Students in Accelerated Programs examines the applicability of Tinto’s Institutional Action Model to AL students who are both full-time workers and parents. Empirical data were collected from surveys and analyzed statistically. Overall, most of the recommended initiatives from the Institutional Action Model are positively perceived by these students. Institutions that target working adult students can use the results of this research to fine-tune student retention initiatives in their AL programs. This research helps to better understand student retention in accelerated learning programs.
Senator representing School of Business & Management, Chair, Senate Regional Committee
Chair, UGC ad hoc committee on Community College liasonurn:li:fs_position:(ACoAABRMHzUB_bz8gfaX-KCPjjwEZKvccyyDc5Q,534539954)
Senator representing School of Business & Management, Chair, Senate Regional Committee
Chair, UGC ad hoc committee on Community College liasonurn:li:fs_position:(ACoAABRMHzUB_bz8gfaX-KCPjjwEZKvccyyDc5Q,534539954)
Senator representing School of Business & Management, Chair, Senate Regional Committee
Chair, UGC ad hoc committee on Community College liasonurn:li:fs_position:(ACoAABRMHzUB_bz8gfaX-KCPjjwEZKvccyyDc5Q,534539954)
Senator representing School of Business & Management, Chair, Senate Regional Committee
Chair, UGC ad hoc committee on Community College liasonurn:li:fs_position:(ACoAABRMHzUB_bz8gfaX-KCPjjwEZKvccyyDc5Q,534539954)
Senator representing School of Business & Management, Chair, Senate Regional Committee
Chair, UGC ad hoc committee on Community College liasonurn:li:fs_position:(ACoAABRMHzUB_bz8gfaX-KCPjjwEZKvccyyDc5Q,534539954)
Senator representing School of Business & Management, Chair, Senate Regional Committee
Chair, UGC ad hoc committee on Community College liasonurn:li:fs_position:(ACoAABRMHzUB_bz8gfaX-KCPjjwEZKvccyyDc5Q,534539954)