Youngstown State University - Psychology
Joined as Clinical Counselor at Preferred Care Counseing,LLC, Poland ,Ohio
Quinones-Del Valle
Youngstown, Ohio Area
The National Board for Certification of Counselors( NBCC) exam involves a grueling four hour exam in all domain areas of required expertise. NBCC has been recognized as the standard for counseling worldwide by the United Nations. UNESCO has authorized for NBCC to serve in South Africa, Tanzania,Malawi, Bhutan(Asia). NBCC has been welcomed in European countries to provide educational guidance in the establishment of counseling programs. NBCC operates in Mexico, Canada and future So. American countries. I proudly served on this Board 2010-2012.
Part-Time Professor of Social Work
Facilitated all course requirement for bachelor and master level social work students as required by CSWE to students. In addition to classroom instruction, I served as a Field educator at the clinical level due to my clinical designation according to Ohio Law.
AB (Bachelor of Arts)
Cognate was mental Health
Servicios de desarrollo social
PhD. Counselor Education and Supervision
Multicultural and Diversity Concerns in Society. as an undeclared major.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education; supervision and counselor education
Teaching Fellow, supervisor of Master students in counseling, Researcher involved with research with Dr.Steven Hobfall and Dr. Anita Jackson which was a vital research avenue for my Dissertation.
Part-Time Professor of Social Work
Facilitated all course requirement for bachelor and master level social work students as required by CSWE to students. In addition to classroom instruction, I served as a Field educator at the clinical level due to my clinical designation according to Ohio Law.