Oakland University - Nursing
Successful Healthcare Informatics Professor and Researcher
Higher Education
Piscotty, PhD, RN-BC, FAMIA
Baltimore, Maryland Area
Short Biography
Ronald Piscotty, PhD, RN-BC, FAMIA is an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland School of Nursing. His research interest centers around the impact that healthcare information technologies have on nursing practice and quality and safety in hospital settings. Dr. Piscotty currently has 23 publications in peer-reviewed journals and one book chapter. In addition, he has several publications currently under or ready to submit for review in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Piscotty has been chosen and/or delivered 32 peer reviewed scholarly presentations at numerous regional, national, and international conferences. His work, research, and contributions have been highlighted in numerous local and national publications. Dr. Piscotty has received internal and external funding for his research. He has taught courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. Dr. Piscotty has served in leadership roles for the Midwest Nursing Research Society and Alliance for Nursing Informatics.
Dr. Piscotty's current program of research is geared toward the development of a comprehensive intelligent practice system using big data, data analytics, and data visualization. His current study is examining the measurement of healthcare errors that have been associated with preventing or decreasing the adverse events. Currently, he is developing a data structure and program that will extract key information from EHR's for visualization. His next steps are to develop an automated real-time feed with the EHR or data warehouse.
Research and Development Interests
1. Preventing and/or reducing adverse healthcare events using healthcare information technology.
2. Information seeking behaviors.
3. Social media impacts on healthcare delivery.
4. Data visualization of EHR data.
5. Developing clinical dashboards.
6. Developing smart or intelligent practice systems.
7. Developing data structures of EHR data.
8. Application interfacing with EHRs for real-time data population.
Graduate Student Instructor
Ronald worked at University of Michigan as a Graduate Student Instructor
Graduate Research Assistant
Ronald worked at University of Michigan as a Graduate Research Assistant
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Ronald worked at Wayne State University as a Assistant Professor of Nursing
Special Instructor of Nursing
Ronald worked at Oakland University as a Special Instructor of Nursing
Visiting Instructor of Nursing
Ronald worked at Oakland University as a Visiting Instructor of Nursing
Assistant Professor
Ronald worked at University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) as a Assistant Professor
Nursing Business and Health Systems - Concetration in Nursing Informatics
Nursing Business and Health Systems - Concentration in Nursing Informatics
Graduate Student Instructor
Graduate Research Assistant
Assistant Professor of Nursing