Professor Rivera has very specific exams, but as long as you take good notes you should be fine. He will make you write easy reflections papers based on readings each week and as long as you do them you get credit. He does not let people use cellphones or laptops. I recommend participating as much as possible. Study your notes well, there are a couple of tricky questions, but definitely able to get an A.
St. John's University - Theology
Dissertation title: A Christology of Liberation in an Age of Globalization and Exclusion: The Contributions of Jon Sobrino and Edward Schillebeeckx.
Systematic Theology and Ethics
Boston College
Master of Theological Studies
Theology and Culture
Student member of The Committee for Diversity at Harvard Divinity School; member of Nuestra Voz (Our Voice): The Latina/o Student Caucus at Harvard Divinity School; member of SCRAP (Students Challenging Racism and Privilege). Helped to organize major conferences on Latina/o Theology and Ministry; worked to promote greater racial/ethnic equity in terms of student recruitment
faculty retention
and diverse curricular offering.
Bachelor of Arts
Student Affairs
Student Development
Higher Education
Community Outreach
Boston College
St. John's University
Assistant Professor of Theology
Teaching Fellow
Responsible for teaching an undergraduate two-semester core course
“Introduction to Christian Theology.” Students are introduced to the study of Western Christian Theology by way of an analysis of its historical development
its contested nature and contextual character. The social
and political contexts that influenced and impacted classical doctrinal formulations and contemporary reformulations are emphasized.
Boston College