Professor Cristiano is a tough grader who gave no half credit. You can't misspell or he'll take points off. You have to study a lot. He wouldn't let you makeup under any circumstances. He reads straight from the PowerPoints. The quizzes were okay, they had ten questions plus a bonus. The tests were usually forty multiple choice and fifteen open ended questions. We weren't allowed study guides at all. It's really up to PowerPoints and your memory so good luck.
He's definitely a tough grader. You lose points even though you simply misspell a thing. No matter the reason, he doesn't allow make-ups. Be prepared for a zero even though you are sick on an examination period. You really have to study a lot! I studied hours for each test and still got low 80s. It was totally disappointing! I honestly think he's a nice man, but he's quite strict with everything!
Honestly, I was really misled by the rating here. Prof. Cristiano is very hardworking and he really teaches well, but his exams are very demanding. Most of it are written and once you misspell or write something he can't read, he will automatically mark it wrong. Even when you work hard in this class, it's still easy to fail. If you ask him a question, he gets upset about it and will simply say that you aren't listening.
Prof. Cristiano is very good. I had him for a microbiology lab. I got an A in his class. Be prepared to read and work, but he is fair. He doesn't like when students disrespect him, beware of that.
Houston Community College ALL - Biology