University of North Florida - Statistics
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD at University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida
I am motivated and inspired with the application in Mathematics and Statistics.
Rasika worked at University of Colombo as a Instructor
Rasika worked at Lankabell as a Trainee
Analyst executive
Rasika worked at Lanka Market Research Bureau as a Analyst executive
Graduate Teaching Associate
Rasika worked at University of Central Florida as a Graduate Teaching Associate
Graduate Research Assistant
Rasika worked at University of Central Florida as a Graduate Research Assistant
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Rasika worked at University of North Florida as a Graduate Teaching Assistant
Master's degree
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
Graduate Teaching Associate
Graduate Research Assistant
Master's degree
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Uva wellasa University symposium
Based on past Forex data it will forecast new predict value based on Kalman Filter approach
Uva wellasa University symposium
Based on past Forex data it will forecast new predict value based on Kalman Filter approach
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
In the present paper we consider the problem of estimating a three-dimensional function f based on observations from its noisy Laplace convolution. Our study is motivated by the analysis of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) imaging data. We construct an adaptive wavelet-Laguerre estimator of f, derive minimax lower bounds for the L2-risk when f belongs to a three-dimensional Laguerre-Sobolev ball and demonstrate that the wavelet-Laguerre estimator is adaptive and asymptotically near-optimal in a wide range of Laguerre-Sobolev spaces. We carry out a limited simulations study and show that the estimator performs well in a finite sample setting. Finally, we use the technique for the solution of the Laplace deconvolution problem on the basis of DCE Computerized Tomography data.