University of Toronto St. George Campus - Engineering
Mini-MBA: Essentials of Management
Business Administration and Management
Schulich School of Business - York University
Engineering & Global Development (at UofT)
Coaching and Developing Employees
Leading without Formal Authority
Learning How to Increase Learner Engagement
Learning Excel Desktop (Office 365)
Developing Your Emotional Intelligence
PDF Fellowship
Select Activities/Outcomes:\nCo-author of article: Progress in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in the United States between 2001 and 2010. (2015). PloS One. ( \n\n& Emergence of biopharmaceutical innovators in China
and South Africa as global competitors and collaborators (2012). Health Research Policy and Systems 10:18 ( \n
Globalization of leading-edge science: Focus on Regenerative Medicines
Rotman School of Management
Post Doctoral Fellowship
Innovation Policy
Co-author of the book \"Innovating for the Global South; Towards an Inclusive Innovation Agenda\" ( \n
Munk School of Global Affairs
Honors & Awards
Awards\n•\tPost Graduate Research Fellowship Award
Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
000 (2011–13).\n•\tBanting and Best Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Award (CIHR)
500 (2008 – 2011).\n•\tDoctoral Completion Award
000 (November 2010).\n•\tIMS Open Fellowship Award
000 (2007/8 & 2008/9).\n•\tJ.C. Laidlaw Manuscript Award - ‘Honorable Mention’ for Exceptional Research Paper
Institute of Medical Science
$400 (May 2008).\n•\tInstitute of Medical Science Entrance Award
000 (September
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Select Publications:\nVakili
A. M.
et al. Progress in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in the United States between 2001 and 2010. (2015). PloS One.\n\nRezaie
et al (2012) Innovative Drugs and Vaccines in China
India and Brazil. Nature Biotechnology. 30(10): 923-926. \n\nRezaie
et al (2012) Emergence of biopharmaceutical innovators in China
and South Africa. Health Research Policy and Systems 10:18 \n\nRezaie
P.A. (2010) Global Health or Global Wealth? Nature Biotechnology
Vol. 28(9)
pp. 907-909. \n\nRezaie
et al (2008) Brazilian Health Biotech Sector – Fostering Crosstalk Between Public and Private Sectors. Nat. Biotech.
Vol. 26
pp. 627-644. \n\nFrew S. F.
et al (2008) Chinese health biotech and the billion-patient market. Nat. Biotech. Vol. 26 (1): p. 37-53. \n\nFrew
et al (2007) India's health biotech sector at a crossroads. Nat. Biotech.
April 2007. 25(4): p. 403-17.
Health Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Innovation in China
India and Brazil
University of Toronto
Bachelor's degree
Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology
University of Toronto
Master of Biotechnology (M. Biotech)
Applications of biotechnolgy in science and business
University of Toronto
North York General Hospital
University of Toronto
CanReg Inc.
Markham Centre Heart Clinic
North York General Hospital
Centre for Global Engineering
University of Toronto
Supported US FDA submissions for new drug applications on behalf of a number of companies.
Intern - Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs
CanReg Inc.
Canada Area
Medical Equipment & Patient Transport Associate (Part-time)
North York General Hospital
The International Virtual Engineering Student Teams (InVEST) project is a collaborative endeavour involving University of Toronto engineering students and faculty and international counterparts. It is aimed at enhancing international knowledge and experience of graduate and undergraduate students through virtual engagement in collaborative projects with students and faculty around the world. It is funded by the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering at the University of Toronto.
University of Toronto
Senior Researcher
Advisor & Program Coordinator
Engineering Education for Africa Project
Through the Engineering Education for Sustainable Cities in Africa Project (
we aim to identify and evaluate pedagogical innovations that can enhance engineering education in Africa and contribute to more sustainable urban development in the continent. The project is a collaborative between UofT investigators and students working with partners in Africa and elsewhere. It has been funded through a Dean's Strategic Fund grant (UofT's Engineering Faculty)
the UofT's Connaught Global Challenges Award and a Learning and Education Advancement Fund (LEAF) Grant.
University of Toronto
Centre for Global Engineering
University of Toronto
Canada Area
Main Responsibilities:\nFund-raising
research project conception and management
participation in research & promotional activities
and financial administration. Helped to conceive and launch a number of multi-disciplinary and multi-investigator research projects and managed them through early years.
Project Coordinator
Lecturer & Research Associate
Performed genetic testing for a variety of hereditary conditions including cancer
neurological and prenatal conditions.
Genetics Laboratory Technologist
North York General Hospital
Key Responsibilities:\nHR and financial oversight of a small
family-owned healthcare clinic.
Director Of Operations (Casual)
Markham Centre Heart Clinic
Canada Area
Few publications: \nRising Innovative Capacity in Asia and Opportunities for Canada (\n\nNote to PM Harper: Think Beyond Energy in Asia (Published in The EMBASSY on 02/01/2012) (\n\nIndia's Drug Patent No Barrier to Innovation (\n
Post-graduate Research Fellow
Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Iranian-Canadian Ismaili Community
National Convener
ISP Scholarship Program
Support administration of student scholarships to qualified students.
Aga Khan Foundation Canada
Volunteer Counselor
Planned Parenthood Toronto
Grant Writing Trainer
I teach grant writing skills and sourcing of grant funds to graduate and undergraduate student groups
on an ad hoc basis with a focus on underserved communities.
University of Toronto
Infectious Diseases
Data Analysis
Program Development
Proposal Writing
Technology Transfer
Strategic Planning
Grant Writing
Research Administration
Business Development
Drug Development
Public Policy
Grant writing
International Development
Policy Analysis
Global Health
Project Management
Global Health or Global Wealth?
Global Health or Global Wealth?
Emergence of biopharmaceutical innovators in China
and South Africa as global competitors and collaborators.
Innovative Drugs and Vaccines in China
India and Brazil.
Rising innovative Capacity in Asia and implications for Canada
Chinese health biotech and the billion-patient market
Brazilian Health Biotech Sector – Fostering Crosstalk Between Public and Private Sectors
India's health biotech sector at a crossroads.
Project focused on exploring how urban sustainability challenges in Africa can be addressed through enhanced engineering education
in part through more effective use of modern information and communication technologies.
Development Innovation Projects on Food/Nutrition
Health Diagnostics
Affordable/resilient Shelter
Involved in envisioning
fundraising and management of a number of multi-investigator projects aimed at using state of the art science and technologies to address specific and pressing needs of developing nations through innovation.
Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada