Philip D'Agati

 Philip D'Agati

Philip D'Agati

  • Courses3
  • Reviews3


Merrimack College - Fine Arts


  • 2022

    Greater Boston Area

    On the Olympic Movement and International Sports Policy/Politics\n• Bid Committees \n Tokyo 2020 Bid Committee (through JOA)\n Boston 2024\n•Bid/Organizing Committee Site Visits\n Tokyo 2020\n Qatar 2022 FIFA\n• Olympic Academies I've interfaced with:\n Japan Olympic Academy\n\nField Research on International Sports Bids/Events\n• United States:\n Atlanta


    Los Angeles (1932


    Salt Lake City (2002

    2026/2030)\n• Japan:\n Nagano

    Tokyo (1960

    2020)\n•Norway\n Lillehammer (1994


    Oslo (1952

    2022)\n•Other\n Doha

    Qatar (2016

    2028/32)\n Montreal

    Canada\n London

    United Kingdom (2012)\n\nMiscellaneous Topics\n• Meiji Univ. & Japan Education Ministry\n Short Term Study Abroad Programs\n• Liberty Square Group (Fair Ticking Policies)\n Testimony before State Legislative Committee

    Letter Writing

    Policy Advising\n• United Nations Association of Greater Boston (High School/College education programs)\n Program Development

    Conference/Event Organization and Planning

    \n• National Council on United States - Arab Relations (High School/College education programs

    conference/events planning)\n Program Advocacy

    Policy Advise

    Program Development

    Materials Development

    \n Research/Publication

    testimony to local school boards\n•SOAR Haiti (On Charitable Organizing

    High School and College education)\n Programming advise\n\nOn Local/State Elections\n• Northeastern University\n Program Development

    Curriculum Design

    Partnership Development

    Field Support\n• Moulton for Congress\n Advise


    Visibility/Volunteer Management

    Voter-Outreach support

    Campaign Advocacy\n• Diana DiZoglio for State Senate\n Advise\n• Diana DiZoglio for State Representative\n Advise



    Visibility Management

    Campaign Advocacy

    ghost writing\n• Oscar Camargo for State Representative\n Advise



    Visibility/Volunteer Management

    Voter-Outreach support

    Campaign \n Advocacy

    Campaign Material Development

    ghost writing

    Expert Researcher

    Consultant and Policy Advocate

    Self Employed

  • 2016

    1. Jubilee Mass in Celebration of the 150th Anniversary.\nI led our council's efforts helping to organize the 150th Anniversary Mass

    which was presided over by Cardinal Sean O’Malley. KOfC members helped to decorate the church

    provided volunteers for various ministries including the Adult Choir

    Bell Choir

    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

    and Hospitality Ministers and the 4th Degree Assembly’s color guard.\n\n2. Gift to St. Augustine’s Parish\nI coordinated the effort to present a statue of St. Augustine to the parish. This included raising funds for the statue

    a shelf built into the church

    a commemorative plaque

    and a sanctuary lamp. The statue was presented to the Parish during the Mass

    blessed by the Cardinal

    and now sits as a permanent fixture of the church.\n\n3. Gala Celebration in honor of the 150th Anniversary\nI led the organization team for a formal dinner in honor of the 150th Anniversary and as a fundraiser for the council’s charitable missions. The dinner included a formal meal

    cocktail hour

    Silent Auction

    Awards/Presentations Ceremony

    historical display of the Parish

    and a raffle. In the end

    close to 300 members of the local community and Augustinian Friars attended and the event posted over $10

    000 in revenues.\n\nThe Awards Program\n1. Louis Sirois St. Joseph’s Award\nWe established a now Annual award given “To an individual who represents the qualities of compassion


    and love of family



    and community.”\n\n2. Citations\nWe arranged for Citations recognizing the 150th Anniversary from Massachusetts General Court

    Massachusetts State Senate

    Massachusetts State Council Knights of Columbus

    and the Town of Andover. \n\n3. Speakers\nDistrict Deputy Jim Hauer\nState Deputy Paul O’Sullivan\nPastor Fr. Peter Gori\nPrior Provincial

    Rev. Michael DiGregorio\nGrand Knight Philip D’Agati\n\nThe effort was recognized by the Massachusetts State Council KOfC with its Church Service Award in 2017.

  • 2015

    Knights of Columbus

    Chartered Representative

    Andover Pack 100

    Boy Scouts of America

    Title is Forthcoming on September 24

    Model Arab League Manual: A Guide to Preparation and Performance

    Cold War and the 1984 Olympic Games: A Soviet-American Surrogate War

  • 2014

    In 2014 I received a Malone Fellowship Grant to travel to Qatar to conduct research on the Politics and Culture of Qatar. Specifically

    I focused on the ongoing Planning for the 2022 FIFA World Cup and the then planned Bids by Doha for the 2024 or 2028 Summer Olympics. I travelled to Doha along with a team of scholars

    subject matter experts

    and students. Participated in a series of government

    organization and non-profit meetings

    including the Supreme Committee for Delivery and legacy (the FIFA 2022 Organizing body)\n\nWe conducted field research


    and prepared materials on the state of Qatar in various topics. This began a Fellowship Year where I shared my research in various venues including:\n• Local Presentations and Guest Lectures in my hometown and surrounding community.\n• Conducted Interviews and had Published News stories in local/regional press.\n• Faculty Development Project to update course materials for two relevant courses.\n• A guest lecture in Tokyo on Middle East - Asian International Sports Policies and Politics comparing Qatar and Japan.\n

    Northeastern University Department of Political Science

    Wheelock College

    Committee to Elect Tram T. Nguyen

    Political Strategist

    Washington D.C. Metro Area

    Scholar In Residence

    National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations



    Head Undergraduate Advisor: 2015 - 2017\nUndergraduate Program Director: 2014 - 2017\n\nHead Advisor\n - Advised all Undergraduate majors in curriculum

    career goals

    and program options\n - Promoted Curriculum adjustment

    handled curriculum match-mates at other universities\n - Developed curriculum to meet interests of student body and department needs.\n - Led Political Science at NU introductory program for all freshmen.\n\nUndergraduate Program Director\n - Revised Department Curriculum to meet new College-Wide standards\n - Created new Dual/Combined Majors




    international study \n opportunities/programs

    and more.\n - Developed Peer Mentorship Program\n - Established Council of Political Science Student Organizations\n - Chaired Curriculum Innovation Committee\n - Represented Department to College/ University Administration\n - Partnered w/ Department chair to create:\n Masters in Security and Resilience Studies\n Politics

    Philosophy & Economics (PPE) Degree\n Campaigns/Elections Program.\n - Represented Northeastern University to Meiji University

    its partner institution in Japan.

    Undergraduate Program Director and Head Advisor

    Northeastern University Department of Political Science





    & On-line lecturer in Political Science and History: 2005 - Current\nSemester Conversion Academic Program Development: 2015 - 2016\nAcademic Program Consultant (Political Science and History): 2016 - 2017

    Lecturer (2005 - Current) and Academic Program Consultant (2015-2017)

    Northeastern University College of Professional Studies

    Greater Boston Area

    Adjunct Lecturer (Part Time

    through 2008)\nFull time lecturer (2009 - 2011)



    Northeastern University

    University of Massachusetts Amherst

    Committee to Elect Tram T. Nguyen

    North Andover


    Strategist: July 2018 - Sept 2018\nCampaign Manager: Sept 2018 - January 2019

    Campaign Manager




    Associate Teaching Professor

    Northeastern University

    Professor of International Relations and Comparative Politics. Teach introductory and upper level courses in IR


    Sports & Politics


    Arab World

    and diplomacy.\n\nAdvises the NU International Relations Council

    including its competitive Model Arab League and Model NATO teams.

    Assistant Academic Specialist

    Greater Boston Area

    Northeastern University

    North Andover

    Provide expert analysis

    background information

    strategic planning

    and advise on Political Campaigns


    and Policy.\n\nMost Recent Roll:\nCampaign Manager

    Committee to Elect Tram T. Nguyen

    State Representative 18th Essex District.\n- Went from Consulting role to Campaign Manager mid-campaign to resolve significant issues in Campaign Team.\n- Improved campaign performance dramatically

    leading to upset victory and the first Republican seat to change hands in the state legislature in 8 years.\n\nExperienced with the following levels of races:\nTown Selectman/City Councillor \nState Representative Races (Massachusetts

    New Hampshire

    Virginia)\nCongressional Races (Massachusetts and Maine)\nSenate Race (NH Only)\n\n\nExperience serving as:\nCampaign Strategist\nCampaign Manager\nDeputy Campaign Manager\nCampaign Committee Chair

    Political/Campaign Strategist

    Political Strategist

    Washington D.C. Metro Area

    Advisory Board Member

    National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations

    Taught courses in American Government

    Politics and the Mass Media

    Middle East

    and American Identity


    Greater Boston Area

    Wheelock College

    U.S. Department of Commerce

    American Historical Association


    American Political Science Association

    NCUSAR Emergent Leaders Committee

    Co-Chair with HRH Prince Abdulmajeed Bin Abdulilah bin Abdulaziz Al-Sa’ud


    National Council on United States - Arab Relations

    Advisory Board


    Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honors Society

    S.O.A.R. Haiti

    Board Member

    Knights of Columbus

    Grand Knight

    Deputy Grand Knight

    4th Degree Member

    Phi Alpha Theta History Honors Society

    American Association of Political Consultants



  • 2013

    League of Women Voters

    Knights of Columbus

    - Lead Ministry

    coordinating its volunteers


    and projects at the church\n- Designed

    planned and implemented the display and décor of all sacred spaces in line with Parish\nexpectation

    Pastoral guidelines

    and Liturgical rules and practices. - Managed purchasing for the Ministry.

    St. Augustine's Parish



    Public Speaking


    Comparative Politics


    International Organizations

    Online Teaching



    Ethnic Conflict

    Guest Lecturing


    International Relations


    Arab World

    Middle East

    Sports and Politics

    European Union

    Academic Advising


    Political Science

    Nationalism on the World Stage: Cultural Performance at the Olympic Games

    Beyond the realm of sports and spectacle

    states host the Olympic Games for political


    and cultural reasons. In particular

    organizers have used the Olympics as an opportunity to redefine and reassert their national identities through performance. The hosts present an artistic rendering of their national identity to domestic and international audiences through the pageantry of the opening and closing ceremonies. \nNationalism on the World Stage examines the relationship between nationalism and the Olympics by weaving together current understandings of nationalism and applying these notions to displays of national identity at Olympic ceremonies from 1980 to 2006. Using tactics such as historical revision


    and custodianship

    hosts of the Games have re-told their official state identities and histories through performances. Through examples including the United States





    and Japan

    Philip A. D'Agati establishes a new scope of nationalism

    cultural performance

    and international festival and provides new insights into studies of nationalism.

    Nationalism on the World Stage: Cultural Performance at the Olympic Games

    \"War Games\"

    Model Arab League Manual: A Guide to Preparation and Performance

  • 2012

    - Coordinate planning of Bell Choir practices


    and other events\n- Partner with Music Director for Musical programs for major masses throughout liturgical year - Lead practices

    offer music literacy instruction upon request

    teach bell techniques.\n- Arrange/Score bell and choral pieces for Bell Choir and Adult Choir use.

    St. Augustine's Parish

    Andover MA.

    In 2012 I returned to the Dialogue of Civilizations Program (DOC) I helped start 10 years earlier by taking over the Japan Dialogue for my colleague Bruce Wallin. I organized and faculty led the program to Japan from 2012 - 2016 and organized the program but did not lead it for 2017. I doubled the program's student attendance and tripled its applicant pool. Each of my programs ran several thousand dollars in the black and were positively reviewed by student participants. \n\nDuring my absence

    the Japan Dialogue developed a reverse-dialogue where students from Japan came to Boston. I adopted this program in 2012 and assisted or facilitated it until 2017. I managed all aspects of the relationship between our Meiji University

    our partner institution in Japan

    and Northeastern. \n\nIn addition to the Japan program

    I provided program development assistance to other faculty

    developed a program to Australia

    New Zealand

    and Fiji

    and served on the Global Experience Office's DOC faculty advisory council from 2015 - 2016 and the DOC Finance & Operations committee in 2016.

  • 2009

    In Fall 2009 I led an effort to establish a Model NATO Program at Northeastern University. Working with student and department representatives

    we drafted a proposal creating a Model NATO Program

    \nidentifying and then receiving funds for the Program for a two year trial

    and developing an accompanying course to support the new learning environment. \n\nThe program and curriculum was approved and launched in Fall 2010 for participation in the 2011 International Model NATO Conference in DC. I taught a new Model NATO Course in the fall

    co-organized a Joint Cabinet Crisis Simulation program on campus for approximately 80 students and then selected and trained a team of 19 students to travel to DC. Students represented two countries (Belgium & Hungary)

    visited their Embassies

    and participated in three days of competition. Our Belgian team came in 2nd place and our Hungarian team came in 4th place

    out of approximately 27 teams.\n\nThe team and I met with the Dean of the College and the President of the University as a result of their performance. The President challenged us to take first place.\n\nIn 2012

    the team's fall program grew from approximately 80 to 120 students. We adjusted curriculum and training based on our experience in 2011. The team's travel delegation remained the same size and came in 1st and 5th place.\n\nIn Fall 2012

    the Department and the Student leadership agreed to maintain the program and increase its travel size. That spring

    23 students travelled. The team's two delegations tied each other for First Place.\n\nFor Spring 2014

    the Team's previous excellent performances earned them two chairships in the conference's secretariat (one of only two schools to have that honor) and additional funding grew the delegation to 28 students. The delegations took 1st and 3rd place.\n\nThe program became a permanent part of the Curriculum in the Department of Political Science and in the travel program of the NU International Relations Council.\n\n

  • 2003

    Pro-Bono Advising on Undergraduate


    and Law School Admissions.

    Certified E-Distance Learning Instructor

  • 2002

    The Dialogue of Civilizations during this time was a Faculty-Led Program that took students abroad for a period of 2-4 weeks. The program's goal was to create a learning environment between students from two different states/cultures during which students interacted in a variety of academic


    and extra-curricular opportunities. Students from Northeastern also conducted site visits

    government and political meetings

    and met with in-country scholars. \n\nTwo colleagues and I created the program in 2002 as a replacement for the United Nations Association of NU's annual conference trip to Cairo. I co-created and reviewed the program in 2002

    assistant-faculty led the program in 2003 and co-organized the 2004 - 06 programs. Additionally

    I consulted on the creation of the 2nd Dialogue program (to China) in 2004 and the 4th program (to Japan) in 2006. \n\nThe program has since grown to over 40 opportunities each year

    traveling hundreds of students to countries all across the globe.

  • 2001

    Master of Arts (M.A.)


    Northeast Regional Model Arab League\n2003 Secretary General

    National Model Arab League\n2002: Co-Organizer & team Leader: Dialogue of Civilizations at Cairo


    Comparative Politics and Public Administration

    NU International Relations Council (numerous positions)

    Northeastern University

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    Achievements & Awards\nDialogue of Civilizations Program Co-Founder 2002\nGraduate Student Paper Award 2003\n\nLeadership\n2005: Vice President

    Poli-Tea\n2004-2006: Graduate Student Representative

    Judicial Hearing Board\n2004/2005: Executive Vice President for Student Affairs

    Graduate Student Government\n2003: Cairo Dialogue of Civilizations\n2001-2006: Numerous Positions in the NU-IRC

    Political Science

    NU International Relations Council (NU-IRC)

    Graduate Student Government

    Judicial Hearing Board


    Northeastern University

    Graduate Certificate in Cinema Studies

  • 1999

    Master of Arts

    Graduate Certificate in Cinema Studies

    World History

    NU International Relations Council

    (Numerous positions)

    Northeastern University

  • 1996

    I served on the Organizing Committee's for Merrimack College's 50th Anniversary celebration. In that role

    I worked as the archival historian on the book Merrimack College: The First Fifty Years. I also helped plan events in the McQuade Library's gallery and for the Anniversary Mass at the end of the academic year. \n\nIn my role as Editor-in-Chief of the Argus Student Newspaper

    I teamed with the planning committee and ran a series of special supplements in the Campus Newspaper highlighting the history of the University. The Series required interviewing all the still living Founders of Merrimack College

    working with the College's senior administration

    the Archdiocese of Boston

    the headquarters of the Augustinian Order at Villanova University. The series started in the 96/97 academic year and went a full year ending in the 97/98 academic year. It was followed in that academic year with a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Student Newspaper and the 30th Anniversary of the College Library. I also arranged for the visit of two founders to Merrimack College as part of the series and other 50th Anniversary events. \n\nThe Argus Newspaper received the Student Organization of the Year award in the Spring of 1998.\nI received the Merrimack Medal for Outstanding Service at Graduation for this and other projects and student leadership while at Merrimack College.\n\n


    Philip A.

    Northeastern University

    U.S. Department of Commerce

    National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations

    Northeastern University College of Professional Studies

    Self Employed

    University of Massachusetts Amherst

  • 1995

    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

    Minors: Music Composition

    Catholic Theology


    Argus Newspaper

    Model United Nations

    Intramural Tennis Society

    Concert Choir


    Argus Newspaper (1995-1999)\nCo-Editor

    Yearbook (1995 - 1999)\nPresident Model United Nations (1998-1999)\nPresident Intramural Tennis Society (1998-1999)\nFounder

    Concert Choir\nFounder

    Intramural Tennis Society\nServed on numerous committees.

    Merrimack College

  • 1992

    St. Augustine Parish



    Grand Knight

    - Oversee/Lead Council in its mission


    and regular operation.\n- Implement programming in line with State and National Standards

    promote organization growth


    and leadership in our community\n- Represent organization to local and state government

    to regional


    and national KOfC\norganizations

    and to external organizations locally and across Massachusetts.\n- Oversee Council’s Finances

    including fundraising


    and charitable donations. - Troubleshoot membership issues

    interpersonnel issues

    and programming challenges\n- Develop and Maintain Council Website

    communication tools\n- Recognized for leadership/programming by Local


    and Supreme KOfC organizations.\n

    Knights of Columbus

  • 1980

    During the Cold War

    states found alternative means of warring with each other to meet foreign policy goals. Sports competitions

    including the right to host events

    transformed from celebratory competitions to surrogates for warfare. The battles to host the 1976

    and 1984 Summer Olympics became highly symbolic opportunities for conflict as the two superpowers fought to prove who could provide a better Olympic experience. Using a framework of political theory

    D'Agati explains the Soviet boycott of 1984 as the result of a complex series of events and policies that culminated in a strategic decision to not participate in Los Angeles. Original and comprehensive

    The Cold War and the 1984 Olympic Games is a significant study for scholars of international relations

    Soviet and US histories

    sports studies

    and anyone interested in the unique politics of the Olympic Games.

    Cold War and the 1984 Olympic Games: A Soviet-American Surrogate War

    States seek avenues of international conflict to satisfy domestic and foreign policy aims within an anarchic world system. The methods of conflict have changed from century to century to encompass different methods of attaining state objectives. Today there exists a lacuna in terms of international contestation in less traditional avenues of state conflict

    such as sports competitions and technological development. Extant theories on international relations have broadened their scope to include arms races

    economic sanctions

    cyber conflict

    and other ‘new’ methods of interstate conflict. This study adds to current literature and theoretical trends by shaping a theory on surrogate war that examines state conflict manifested through international contest. While the possible applications are quite broad

    this study offers plausibility probes in international sports policy and space policy to demonstrate the application and versatility of surrogate war.\n

    Surrogate war: politics of conflict in sports and space

    While teaching as an adjunct at Merrimack College

    I developed a Model Arab League Program for their Political Science department. I partnered with the department's Model United Nations team

    offered training sessions to interested students and coordinated their participation in the Northeast Regional Model Arab League conference.\n\nWorking with the conference hosts and the Merrimack College Department of Political Science

    I was able to get registration fees waived and travel expenses covered by the Provost's office. A team of 7 students participated. One student received an award.\n\nThe following year

    I developed and taught a course on Politics of the Middle east. Students from the course partnered with students from the Model United Nations team

    doubling the size of the delegation. The team's performance improved

    earning them an overall delegation award. Based on the performance in the previous year

    the school agreed to cover the travel costs and the students paid their own delegate fees. \n\nThe success of the team was noted by conference organizers and Merrimack College was offered a partial delegation slot at the National Model Arab League conference in DC. Approximately 5 students travelled to DC

    where I advised them on location. They won a few awards and were invited back the following year.

  • 8

    Blackboard Training (Versions 7


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