University of Maryland University College - Writing
Doctor of Philosophy
Thesis: \"A Story Not To Be Told: The Depiction of Slavery in American Novels
1875-2000\" available at Proquest/UMI.\n\nI examined the depiction of slavery in roughly fifty American novels. I read the novels
researched the literary criticism about the novels and the biographies of the writers
and wrote the six chapters with critical feedback by my thesis advisor
Dr. R. Gordon Kelly.\n\nMy doctoral dissertation used 197 sources
including books
news articles
web sites
personal interview
radio and television programs to produce a 400+-page dissertation that took five years to write.\n\nMy dissertation committee unanimously approved my thesis without any revisions. Dr. Nancy Struna
chair of the American Studies department
confessed how rare a thesis is unanimously approved with no revisions.
American Studies
Master of Fine Arts
Thesis: \"Working Without a Net
a collection of short stories.\"\n\nBetween 1979-1989
all nine short stories in my MFA thesis were published in small literary journals.
Creative Writing
Special Opportunity Fellowship
Bachelor of Arts
Lincoln University
College preparatory
Western High School
Press Releases
Public Speaking
Higher Education
Community Outreach
Curriculum Design
Creative Writing
Grant Writing
Program Development
the Maryland Humanities Council
Community College of Baltimore County
Baltimore City Community College
Park Heights Street Academy
The Park School of Baltimore
Maryland Area
Adjunct Associate Professor at UMGC
*Assisted in the preparation of proposals
annual reviews
and reports; wrote articles for the MHC newsletter; filed fiscal reports. \n*Evaluated the proposals submitted to
and the projects funded by
the MHC; explained our guidelines and projects to applicants
community leaders
humanities scholars
and the mass media. *Organized and directed conferences.\n*Appointed Acting Director twice during my tenure with the MHC
once from October to December 1977 and again from June to December 1979.
the Maryland Humanities Council
English teacher in the Upper School
*Taught a wide variety of literature courses along with Essay Writing
Creative Writing
and Freshman English.\n*Served on the Curriculum Committee (1985-1987); the Senior Project Committee (1986-1989); Extended Curriculum Day Committee (1986-1987); Foreign Exchange Committee (1987-1989).\n*Advisor to the Student Council (1986-1990) and first Advisor to the Cultural Awareness Committee.\n*Chaired the English Department
The Park School of Baltimore
Subject Matter Expert for English 101. Revising the course and grading rubric. Supervising graders.\n\nSubject Matter Expert for English 102. Revising the course and rubrics. Supervising graders.\n\nJudge for test question challenges and plagiarism cases.
Subject Matter Expert
Teaching English 210
African American Literature. Developed the Blackboard site for the course.
Baltimore City Community College
Teaching online Writing 391
Advanced Expository & Research Writing.\n\nTeaching online Writing 101S
Introduction to Writing.
Adjunct Professor
*Taught five classes
ranging from developmental writing to literature electives
each semester for 19 years.\n*English 101-102 course committee chair.\n*Coordinator for the Catonsville campus of the English 101 Learning Assessment Project (2002-2007).\n*Search Committee chair for English instructors (2002 & 2007).\n*Member of search committee for Social Science & Business Division Academic Dean.\n*Committee memberships include: English 096 & 052 Course Committees (1990-2009); General Education Assessment Team; Liberal Arts division Evaluation Committee; Human Relations Task Force (1995); Project SPARK (1991-1998); Teaching corps (1991-2000); Middle States Steering Committee (1993-1995); Black History Planning Committee (1998-1999); chair
Appeal Committee (1998).\n*Faculty advisor
student literary magazine (1993-1994).\n*Received tenure in 1994.
Community College of Baltimore County
Grading Activities:Management of Grading Rubrics used in student assessment; coordinate and manage graders; creation of weekly reports; final judge in grading conflicts.\n\nPlagiarism and Academic Honesty Oversight: Review and document plagiarism cases submitted by Student Advisors and/or Graders; explain to students policy guidelines; arbitrate plagiarism cases; advise on course improvements.
Educational Resources
Maryland Area
*Taught literature and writing courses.\n*Served on the Admissions Committee; the Scholarship Committee; Faculty Representative to the Board of Directors.\n*Directed the McManus Center for Writing.
Park Heights Street Academy
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: