O. Alan Noble

 O. Alan Noble

O. Alan Noble

  • Courses4
  • Reviews9


Antelope Valley College - English


  • 2008



    Old (ca.450-1100)




    Contemporary American Literature

    Cormac McCarthy

    Literary Aesthetics

    Literary Theory

    Christian Aesthetics

    Baylor University

  • 2002



  • Christ and Pop Culture

    At Patheos Evangelical

    Richard Clark shares his attempt to discuss and think rightly about the common knowledge of our age.

    Christ and Pop Culture

    Co-founded Public Faith with Michael Wear. The project is currently being worked on by Wear.

    Public Faith

    Leadership Council

    The AND Campaign


    Copy Editing


    Curriculum Development


    Social Media


    Literary Criticism

    English Literature




    Creative Writing

    Public Speaking



    Higher Education

    Teaching Writing

    Curriculum Design

    American Literature


    A longform feature on the subversive genius of Kendrick Lamar.


    One of the most perplexing characters in Flann O’Brien’s strange and nonsensical novel The Third Policeman is the titular character

    Policeman Fox. Given that Fox seems to play a very minor role in the novel

    it is odd that O’Brien would title his novel after the policeman. This essay argues that Fox is the titular character because of his central role in the resolution of the novel’s main conflicts. First it establishes that one of the main conflicts in the text is the narrator’s lack of remorse or punishment over Mathers’s death. Then

    it shows how Fox is instrumental in guiding the narrator to an inchoate acknowledgment of his crime

    revealing the location of the blackbox

    and initiating the eternal cycle of punishment.

    The Third Policeman in The Third Policeman: A Question of Titles in Flann O’Brien’s Novel

    By investing in and running early childhood intervention programs with in-home visits

    the Church in the United States could dramatically affect some of the most crippling problems facing our country while simultaneously fulfilling our duty to care for the poor and needy and to share the Gospel. And we could do all this by working to promote traditionally conservative and Christian ideals.

    The Coming Class Crisis: Why the US Church Should Invest in Early Childhood Education

    Original Sin is Problematic

    We live in a distracted

    secular age.\nThese two trends define life in Western society today. We are increasingly addicted to habits―and devices―that distract and \"buffer\" us from substantive reflection and deep engagement with the world. And we live in what Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor calls \"a secular age\"―an age in which all beliefs are equally viable and real transcendence is less and less plausible. Drawing on Taylor's work

    Alan Noble describes how these realities shape our thinking and affect our daily lives. Too often Christians have acquiesced to these trends

    and the result has been a church that struggles to disrupt the ingrained patterns of people's lives. But the gospel of Jesus is inherently disruptive: like a plow

    it breaks up the hardened surface to expose the fertile earth below. In this book Noble lays out individual


    and cultural practices that disrupt our society's deep-rooted assumptions and point beyond them to the transcendent grace and beauty of Jesus. Disruptive Witness casts a new vision for the evangelical imagination

    calling us away from abstraction and cliché to a more faithful embodiment of the gospel for our day.

    Disruptive Witness: Speaking Truth in a Distracted Age

    The Evangelical Persecution Complex

    Why Evangelicals Are Wary of the Government

    Evangelicals are beginning to care less about discerning good cultural objects and care more about discerning good cultural practices. But is this trend

    despite its signaling a cultural maturation

    still susceptible to legalism?

    Becoming a Slave Again to Edifying Habits

    \tAt the heart of McCarthy's novel resides a tremendous interpretive challenge: how can we reconcile the ending

    which is hopeful about the future

    with the fatalism that dominates the text? This paper explores how Søren Kierkegaard's treatment of Abraham and Isaac

    found in his work

    Fear and Trembling

    can help elucidate the tension between hope and nihilism in The Road. Based on a note referring to Kierkegaard found in an early draft of McCarthy’s novel

    this paper argues that the father in The Road displays an absurd faith in goodness and the future which can be best explained in relation to Kierkegaard's depiction of Abraham’s faith in Fear and Trembling.

    The Absurdity of Hope in Cormac McCarthy's The Road

    Two defining features of Cormac McCarthy’s The Crossing are the vatic speeches given by characters with very different worldviews and cultures and the polyphonic narrative. A challenge of this novel is how to relate these features. According to Mikhail Bakhtin

    a truly polyphonic novel allows for “diversity of social speech types

    ” but many of the most significant speeches in The Crossing share the same voice: the vatic style identified with the narrator. This paper explores how the repeated intrusion of the narrator’s voice upon the speeches of various characters affects a Bakhtinian reading of The Crossing. Specifically

    it argues that these intrusions

    which alter the words and therefore the worldviews of the characters

    represent the narrator’s voice entering into the discourse of the novel on being and narrative. Thus

    the narrator stifles the heteroglossia of the language of certain characters even as he contributes to the novel’s dialogic nature.



    and the Dialogic Novel: The Problem of Discourse and Language in Cormac McCarthy’s The Crossing

    Is Evangelical Morality Still Acceptable in America?

    A critical analysis of news coverage and commentary on the \"knockout game\" \"trend\" and its history. Quoted


    or linked to by Slate

    Business Insider

    The Sidney Hillman Foundation


    Philadelphia City Paper

    CBS St. Louis

    and USA Today.

    The Knockout Game Myth and its Racist Roots

    Every other week

    Christ and Pop Culture delivers six or seven pieces that will help you identify crucial trends


    and cultural artifacts and examine them purposefully. Every issue will feature two in-depth features

    a handful of shorter articles

    and recommendations of movies



    and other cultural items that interest us.

    O. Alan


    Antelope Valley College

    Christ and Pop Culture

    Baylor University

    Christ and Pop Culture at Patheos


    Oklahoma Baptist University

    Freelance Writer

    Edit articles

    manage writers and associate editors

    run the site

    make decisions about content and direction of the site

    write columns

    develop and improve brand

    manage social media presence.\n\nI also am the managing editor of our iOS App

    Christ and Pop Culture Magazine

    with 29th Street Publishing.

    Christ and Pop Culture at Patheos


    Christ and Pop Culture


    Edit articles

    manage writers and associate editors

    run the new site

    make decisions about content and direction of the site

    write columns

    develop and improve brand

    manage social media presence.\n\nI do this all at our new location: ChristandPopCulture.com

    Editor in Chief



    Assistant Professor

    Oklahoma Baptist University



    Eng 099 Intermediate Composition \nEng 101 Freshman Composition\nEng 102 Freshman Composition II

    Introduction to Literature

    Adjunct Composition Instructor

    Antelope Valley College



    English 1302: Thinking


    and Writing

    \nEnglish 1304: Thinking


    and Research\nEnglish 2304: American Literature

    Teacher of Record

    Baylor University

    Edit articles

    manage writers and associate editors

    run the new site

    make decisions about content and direction of the site

    write columns

    develop and improve brand

    manage social media presence.\n\nI do this all at our new location: ChristandPopCulture.com\n\nI also am the Managing Editor of our iOS App

    Christ and Pop Culture Magazine

    with 29th Street Publishing.

    Managing Editor


    Texas Area

    Christ and Pop Culture

    I have written articles for Vox

    The Atlantic


    First Things

    Christianity Today

    and others. \n\nMy writing has been quoted or cited in: \nNew York Times\nMTV News\nMSNBC \nThe Guardian\nDTS Magazine\nNational Post\nNewsweek\nBuzzfeed\nVillage Voice\nHaaretz\nPolitico\nYahoo News\nThink Progress\nNPR\nWashington Post\nThe Blaze\nThe Stream\nThe Atlantic\nChristian Post\nRaw Story\nNewsmax\nDailyKos\nThe Tennessean\nKansas City Star\nNational Catholic Reporter\nWorld Magazine\nInlander\nNooga\nHuffington Post\nSlate\nBusiness Insider\nUSA Today\nMediate\nHermeneutics \nDeseret News\nWorld Religion News\nReligious Dispatches\nBaptist News\nBaptist Press\nReligious News Service\nPJMedia\nFacts and Trends Magazine 
InTouch Magazine\nEthics Daily\nThe Pulse 2016\nThink Christian\nProvidence Journal \nConcordia Journal\nChurch Leaders\nIRD\nJournal of American Studies\nCBN News

    Freelance Writer

    Public Faith


    Leadership Council

    The And Campaign

ENG 101


ENG 102
