Professor Conti was a good teacher. He knows how to explain and teach the material very well. All of our homework was online. Our whole grade was based on the tests and the final. Basically, quizzes and homework were worth the same. Very nice thing with him is he drops your lowest quiz grade. He's fairly simple to follow along. However, you have to show up in his class.
Professor Conti is very respectful and will listen to your questions. However, his exams were very difficult. You have to do all 8-10 hours homework and additional practice or tutors, to really do well in the class. Quizzes were also given every week. He's okay but, find another option if you have the chance.
Professor Conti is the best math teacher I've had. Really clear with what he expects, and he will answer your questions! Just do the homework.
MAKE SURE YOU AVOID THIS PROFESSOR. Now I consider myself as an alright student when it comes to math. I have A's in every single class except for this one, and I'm going to be leaving, as there are a whole SIXTY PROBLEMS PER CLASS. Really a dreaded course, as you have more than 120 questions per week and extremely difficult tests. Just missing something like a negative will lose you the entire question. You lose eight points even if the work is correct. Really a joke of a class.
Oakland Community College Orchard Ridge - Mathematics