University of Mary Washington - Philosophy
Tutor (Assistant Professor) at Thomas Aquinas College
Michael J.
Santa Paula, California
I am just starting out on what I hope is a fruitful and joyful career in academia.
Doctoral Dissertation: “The Meaning of Beauty and its Transcendental Status in the Metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas”
Dissertation Director: John F. Wippel
Master’s Thesis: “Beauty and the Order of Transcendentals in St. Thomas’s Thought”
Thesis Director: John F. Wippel
Teaching Fellow
Courses taught: PHIL 201: The Classical Mind and PHIL 202: The Modern Mind
Acted as First Year Advisor to the students in my sections, and led them in dinners, excursions, and service projects to foster a “learning community”
Mathematics and Philosophy
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: