Southern New Hampshire University - Information Science
Copywriter and Digital Media Production
Marketing & Advertising
Providence, Rhode Island Area
I'm a copywriter now in school for art direction and design. As a copywriter, I worked on client briefs, conducted interviews, executed campaigns, wrote content across multiple mediums, and played a role in statistically analyzing the results.
Now, as a designer-in-the-making, I'm doing the same thing, just with visuals.
I graduated from Johns Hopkins with an MS in Communications (Digital Media Production), recently graduated the Bookshop School for Ads (Art Direction), and am currently getting my associates degree in graphic design and digital media.
Freelance Market Research, Strategy, and Content Creation
Words + sounds + visuals = digital success.
Content Strategist
Reporting and making recommendations based on a variety of digital client data including SEO, analytics, AdWords, and social media campaigns.
Contributing Writer
Writing researched, fact based, list style articles with vetted references on everything from Obi Wan Kenobi to the Third Reich. Visit - maybe you'll learn something new.
Content and Copywriter
Using SEO, analytics, and both independent and existing research, I create content for clients. This content consists primarily of B2B blog posts, Ebooks, E-zines, white papers, and other marketing collateral. I also manage client social media accounts (scheduling, posting, graphics sourcing, etc.) and collaborate with our designers and developers in taking a data-first approach to how to best execute digital strategy. Our clients are mostly in the technology and software / consulting sector.
Digital Content Specialist
I write blogs and other content, shoot and edit video, and co-manage the content strategy, which includes social media advertising, SEO auditing, and Google AdWords management.
Associate's degree
Graphic Design
I completed the courses required for copywriting and the art direction certificates.
Masters in Communication
Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia
Video editing, audio editing, and all around content production and measurement / evaluation.
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: