Generally speaking, Computer Science courses are not difficult. However, Professor Skipwith does better by being very relaxed. We only had classes every two weeks, then laboratory exams every week same as other classes. Exams are like homework as well. Also, there are catch-up assignments if you are bad at something. And if you do your work on time, you will easily get an A.
I had him for CS 102. Honestly, it was pretty frustrating. Every week, the workload was massive and dull as dishwater. The things we learned didn't seem practical to me since I've gotten through my whole life without needing most of them. His grading system is strange, too. He averages out grades from all your attempts rather than counting your highest score.
The class CS 102 isn't tough. And this professor is a relaxed one. Even though there's a lot to do, none of it is too difficult.
University of Alabama - Computer Science