Maggie Tsavaris

 MaggieO. Tsavaris

Maggie O. Tsavaris

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Savannah Law School - Law

Maggie Tsavaris Enterprises
Savannah, Georgia Area
Writing about how FDA rules and regs must be reworded so that the U.S. Supreme Court Mensing/Bartlett rulings do not allow Big Pharma to continue to get away with purposely placing greed and profits ahead of patient safety

Writing about human trafficking

Photographing basketball and soccer athletes



    • University of California, Santa Cruz

      Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


    • UCLA School of Theater, Fim and Television

      Professional Program in Screenwriting Certificate

      Completed two screenplays and received a Certificate of Completion from the Professional Screenwriting Program

    • University of Miami School of Law

      Doctor of Law (J.D.)

      Editor-in-chief of the University of Miami Inter-American Law Review


    • Government Support of Death & Destruction from Generic Prescription Drugs

      Savannah Law Review

      Here's my latest published article on how the U.S. Supreme Court has granted immunity to generic prescription drug manufacturers for any injuries and deaths caused by their drugs. With over 2.6 billion prescriptions filled with generic drugs during the past year, this potentially leaves an awful lot of patients with no avenue for compensation for injuries and deaths.