Tunxis Community College - English
College research writing instructor; K-12 Literacy Specialist; Curriculum Consultant
Education Management
Polistena-D'Agosto, Ed.D.
Hartford, Connecticut Area
Curriculum developer for secondary schools' English and history departments, aligning essential questions with Common Core expectations.
College teaching at both community college and four-year colleges; Freshman and Advanced courses in composition and American literature.
Specialties: New England Association of Teachers of English (NEATE) Board Member
iTeach certificate for online teaching using Blackboard
Digication training for ePortfolio
Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA) Mentor
Writing and Literature Lecturer
Teaching both Composition, Composition II, and Survey of Literary Genres as well as the research process to both first-year and second-year college students.
Curriculum Developer; Literacy Specialist
Introduced literacy group shared learning protocals in both high schools and middle-schools in CT; updated classroom libraries with both fiction and non-fiction texts which appeal to student interests blended with classic literature. Developed student engagement activities for content-area classrooms.
Educational Leadership
Researched the perceptions of CT public school board members to training programs; Presented finding at the NERA conference in October 2009; Published results and conclusions in May 2010 CABE Journal.
Master of Arts (M.A.)
American Literature