University of Toronto St. George Campus - Geography
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
University of Toronto
Master of Arts (MA)
Development Studies
International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Development Studies
McGill University
MA thesis.
Challenging Neoliberalism: A value chain perspective on the stuggle over governing agriculture in a globalised world
Rapport sur l’intérêt des producteurs maraîchers de la région de Montréal quant aux modèles associatifs de mise en marché en circuits courts.
International Trade Law and Local Food Policy in Canada
Scaling Up Local Food Systems in Quebec and Ontario
Ungovernable? Indigenous Campesino Resistance to Land Grabbing in Guatemala’s Polochic Valley
Analyse de la demande institutionnelle pour l’approvisionnement en circuits courts de la région de Montréal
Three of my essays were selected for publication in \"An Exercise in Worldmaking: The Institute of Social Studies Best Student Essays of 2007/2008\". Those essays are: \nAre Civil Soceity Actors a Source for Counter-Hegemonic Challenge? (pp. 192-204)\nTwo Cases of Smallholder Agriculture Development: Implications for Public Action from Spain and Peru (pp. 85-95)\nUnfair Trade: The causes of unequal profit distribution within commodity chains (pp.1-8)
An Exercise in Worldmaking: The Institute of Social Studies Best Student Essays of 2007/2008 (three separate chapters)
(Français ci-dessous / French below) Currently a PhD Candidate and Course Instructor in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto. My research and teaching interests include political economy and ecology
rural development
agrarian change
land rights and natural ressource management
and international development. My current research focuses on a land conflicts between indigenous communities and extractive industries in north-eastern Guatemala. I have previously worked in development cooperation
project evaluation
and applied research in the non-profit sector. \n\nCourses taught:\nGGR112 Globalization
and Inequality\nGGRD12 Rural Geography and Agrarian Change\n\nLatest publication: Konforti
L. 2018. Ungovernable? Indigenous Campesino Resistance to Land Grabbing in Guatemala’s Polochic Valley. Latin American Perspectives\n\n--\n\nPrésentement doctorant et instructeur dans le Département de géographie et planification à l’Université de Toronto. En tant que chercheur et enseignant
je m'intéresse à l'économie et l'écologie politiques
au développement rural
au changement agraire
aux droits fonciers et territoriaux
à la gestion de ressources naturelles et aménagement du territoire
à la mondialisation et au développement international. Auparavant
j'ai travaillée en coopération internationale
évaluation de projets et recherche appliquée dans le secteur communautaire. \n\nCours universitaires donnés:\nGGR112 Mondialisation
développement et inégalité \nGGRD12 Géographie rurale et changement agraire\n\nDernière publication: Konforti
L. 2018. Ungovernable? Indigenous Campesino Resistance to Land Grabbing in Guatemala’s Polochic Valley. Latin American Perspectives\n
University of Toronto
University of Toronto
Teaching assistant for courses on the global food system and the geography of development. Research interests include new commercial pressures on land
agrarian transformations
political economy and ecology of rural development.\n\nSee my summary for additional work experience information.
Research and Teaching Assistant