Lauren Laker

 Lauren Laker

Lauren F. Laker

  • Courses6
  • Reviews15
Jul 30, 2020
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Would take again: Yes
For Credit: Yes


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Great professor. Hard work but worth it because you learn a lot.


Xavier University - Information Systems


  • 2011



    Business Analytics and Information Systems

    University of Cincinnati

  • 2003



  • 1995


    Mathematics & Statistics

    Secondary Mathematics Education

    Kappa Delta

    \nMiami University Cheerleading

  • Research

    Team Leadership

    Team Building

    Data Analysis



    Leadership Development

    Risk Management

    Market Research


    Public Speaking

    Microsoft Excel

    Strategic Planning

    Project Management


    Qualitative Research


    Understanding Emergency Care Delivery through Computer Simulation Modeling

    Robert L. Wears MD


    Laura H. Barg-Walkow PhD

    Nathan R. Hoot MD


    Daniel J. France PhD


    In 2017

    Academic Emergency Medicine convened a consensus conference entitled

    “Catalyzing System Change through Health Care Simulation: Systems


    and Outcomes.” This article

    a product of the breakout session on “understanding complex interactions through systems modeling

    ” explores the role that computer simulation modeling can and should play in research and development of emergency care delivery systems. This article discusses areas central to the use of computer simulation modeling in emergency care research. The four central approaches to computer simulation modeling are described (Monte Carlo simulation

    system dynamics modeling

    discrete-event simulation

    and agent-based simulation)

    along with problems amenable to their use and relevant examples to emergency care. Also discussed is an introduction to available software modeling platforms and how to explore their use for research

    along with a research agenda for computer simulation modeling. Through this article

    our goal is to enhance adoption of computer simulation

    a set of methods that hold great promise in addressing emergency care organization and design challenges.

    Understanding Emergency Care Delivery through Computer Simulation Modeling

    The healthcare industry has invested heavily in electronic health records and other clinical information systems in order to improve caregivers' access to information and ability to share information with other care providers. It has been shown that these systems can readily induce in their users a state of information overload

    where the volume and complexity of information overwhelms the user

    leading to lower decision speed and quality. This research introduces and tests a cognitive technique called “emphasis framing” as an operational tactic to help mitigate the effects of information overload

    thereby improving the quality and timeliness of clinical decision-making. Emphasis framing is the highlighting or stressing of some aspect or component of the information being exchanged in order to make it more easily processed

    or more likely to be processed

    by the recipient. We conducted a controlled laboratory experiment with emergency department physicians experiencing information overload to measure the effect of emphasis framing on two operational performance metrics: (1) the quality of the physician's clinical evaluation

    and (2) the efficiency (timeliness) of the physician's clinical decision-making. Our findings show that the emphasis frame helped mitigate the effects of information overload and increased the quality of clinical decision-making. Contrary to expectations


    we found decision-making took longer with the emphasis frame

    reinforcing the need to consider the impacts of quality/speed trade-offs. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.

    Quality and Efficiency of the Clinical Decision-Making Process: Information Overload and Emphasis Framing

    ABSTRACT\n\nStudy objective\nEmergency departments (EDs) with both low- and high-acuity treatment areas often have fixed allocation of resources

    regardless of demand. We demonstrate the utility of discrete-event simulation to evaluate flexible partitioning between low- and high-acuity ED areas to identify the best operational strategy for subsequent implementation.\n\nMethods\nA discrete-event simulation was used to model patient flow through a 50-bed


    teaching ED that handles 85

    000 patient visits annually. The ED has historically allocated 10 beds to a fast track for low-acuity patients. We estimated the effect of a flex track policy

    which involved switching up to 5 of these fast track beds to serving both low- and high-acuity patients

    on patient waiting times. When the high-acuity beds were not at capacity

    low-acuity patients were given priority access to flexible beds. Otherwise

    high-acuity patients were given priority access to flexible beds. Wait times were estimated for patients by disposition and Emergency Severity Index score.\n\nResults\nA flex track policy using 3 flexible beds produced the lowest mean patient waiting time of 30.9 minutes (95% confidence interval [CI] 30.6 to 31.2 minutes). The typical fast track approach of rigidly separating high- and low-acuity beds produced a mean patient wait time of 40.6 minutes (95% CI 40.2 to 50.0 minutes)

    31% higher than that of the 3-bed flex track. A completely flexible ED

    in which all beds can accommodate any patient

    produced mean wait times of 35.1 minutes (95% CI 34.8 to 35.4 minutes). The results from the 3-bed flex track scenario were robust

    performing well across a range of scenarios involving higher and lower patient volumes and care durations.\n\nConclusion\nUsing discrete-event simulation

    we have shown that adding some flexibility into bed allocation between low and high acuity can provide substantial reductions in overall patient waiting and a more efficient ED.

    The Flex Track: Flexible Partitioning Between Low- and High-Acuity Areas of an Emergency Department

    The Nature and Necessity of Operational Flexibility in the Emergency Department

    Craig Froehle

    Hospital-based emergency departments (EDs)

    given their high cost and major role in allocating care resources

    are at the center of the debate about how to maximize value in delivering health care in the United States. To operate effectively and create value

    EDs must be flexible

    having the ability to rapidly adapt to the highly variable needs of patients. The concept of flexibility has not been well described in the ED literature. We introduce the concept

    outline its potential benefits

    and provide some illustrative examples to facilitate incorporating flexibility into ED management. We draw on operations research and organizational theory to identify and describe 5 forms of flexibility: physical

    human resource



    and conceptual. Each form of flexibility may be useful individually or in combination with other forms in improving ED performance and enhancing value. We also offer suggestions for measuring operational flexibility in the ED. A better understanding of operational flexibility and its application to the ED may help us move away from reactive approaches of managing variable demand to a more systematic approach. We also address the tension between cost and flexibility and outline how “partial flexibility” may help resolve some challenges. Applying concepts of flexibility from other disciplines may help clinicians and administrators think differently about their workflow and provide new insights into managing issues of cost


    and quality in the ED.

    The Nature and Necessity of Operational Flexibility in the Emergency Department

    Merck & Co. Inc (MSD)

    Xavier University

    University of Cincinnati

    Columbus Life Insurance Company

    Great American Insurance

    Xavier University

    Department of Emergency Medicine

    University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

    PhD Candidate

    Department of Operations

    Business Analytics

    and Information Systems\nCarl H. Lindner College of Business

    University of Cincinnati

    Assistant Professor

    Xavier University

    Adjunct Professor

    Adjunct Professor of Business Statistics

    Xavier University

    Sales Representative

    Merck & Co. Inc (MSD)

    Marketing & Sales System Consultant

    Columbus Life Insurance Company

    Senior Pricing Analyst

    Great American Insurance

INFO 220


BAIS 329365
