Prof. Drake's class wasn't bad at all. He requires a final, midterm, and a 5-page paper. He also gives lots of feedback on your assignment before you even submit them. He even prepares you for midterm and final. Class participation composes 25% of the grade.
Professor Drake is a good professor. She takes time to answer questions and explain things thoroughly. She is always available to lend help on the exams and the paper. Class participation is required in her class. So beware of you're super shy. Overall, I do really enjoyed this class as well as to Doctor Drake.
Prof. Drake encourages participation and most likely you would want to participate because everything we discuss in this class is pretty relevant to modern society. She is passionate about philosophy and she really wants her students to learn. Before class, she assigns minor readings. Grades come from midterm, discussion board, final, and 5 page paper.
Texas A&M University College Station - Philosophy