LOVE YOURSELF. Save your money for a more rewarding class later.
If you're not willing to do the work, don't take this class. There is no good reason for this class to be that hard. Seriously... it's just SPEECH! I didn't miss a single class, did all the assignments, passed tests and still got a C! She has a major ego and is a tough grader.
Dr. Hunter grades this class like it's an English course. Her grading was harsh for a beginners speech course. Do not take if you have some kind of anxiety, because she doesn't care. This course is supposed to be for the beginners, but what do I know, she's the PhD. Aside from that, she will tell you to call her doctor and post it on all the material. We get it.
Prof. Hunter is cool but she isn't the best grader. She only likes to give people good grades if she feels bad about it.
Chabot College - Languages