Professor Malmberg is terrible. If you need a good grade, don't take his class.
Just don't take Professor Malmberg's class. You'll regret it.
Professor Malmberg pulls exams from optional material. He used slurs against people with disabilities in class. Also, it took him forever to respond to emails. He would not offer or suggest which material to focus on for exams during office hours. Overall, he's rude.
I really advise against anyone choosing this teacher. He gives really short classes that don't cover a lot of what's on the tests. I'm really mad at him because he doesn't focus on helping students pass. There are four tests and if you don't pass them, you will fail the course. Seriously, don't pick this teacher.
Kenneth J Malmberg is a/an Instructor in the University Of South Florida department at University Of South Florida
University of South Florida - Psychology
Associate Professor at USF
Tampa, Florida
I study human memory and decision making using mathematical and computational modeling. I teach Cognitive Psychology and Bayesian Statistics in the Department of Psychology. I am on the Editorial Boards at the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition and Memory & Cognition. I received a New Investigator Award from Division 3 of the American Psychological Association.
Assistant Professor
Kenneth worked at Iowa State University as a Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Kenneth worked at University of South Florida as a Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Kenneth worked at University of South Florida as a Assistant Professor
NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow - Cognitive Modeling
Kenneth worked at Indiana University as a NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow - Cognitive Modeling
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Computer Science
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics