Do what is asked of you. You will get a real good understanding about politics. You will have a really good understanding when you complete the course.
Prof. Joseph is one of the best profs I've ever had! I always look forward to his discussions and classes. I suggest you really pay attention to current news because he likes to discuss it. Class participation is very important as well! He's relatable and humorous. He will listen if you speak your truth. Make sure to stay on top of work and notes.
Prof. Joseph is one of the best profs I've ever met. He gave little to no homework, not even a final paper, just a class presentation. This class is honestly stress-free. He shares life stories which are pretty relevant to what he teaches as well. He's very funny! I honestly wish there's more prof like him.
Palo Alto College - Government
Spanish Read
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Political Science and Government
St. Mary's University
Policy Analysis
Social Media
Higher Education
Microsoft Word
Event Planning
Community Outreach
Qualitative Research
Political Science
Public Relations
Public Speaking
Program Development
Microsoft Office
I have been contacted by BVT Publishing and I am currenlty writing my first Government Text Book
will be out in Summer/Fall 2014/2015.!
My First Publishing It Is Great! Thank God!
To Help Out The People! Always to do what is right in The Eyes Of My Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ !
Prof. Joseph M.
St. Mary's University
Chumillo Law Firm
Prof. Joseph M .Fonseca Taught all level of classes and grade levels. The National Excutive(Prsident) The National Legislature International Policy National and Texas Governments Civics Classes showing how to get involved at the Fedeal State and local Communities!\n In Fall 2014 I will be starting a new class at Palo Alto entitled \"Mexican American Studies\" This will be FIRST! PLEASE SIGN UP for THIS CLASS!!!!!!! WE Will All LEARN Together. St. Mary's University Chumillo Law Firm PLLC San Antonio Texas Case Manager 1400 Vilaret I was asked by Attorney George H. Chumiilo to join his law firm as a Case Manager on Immigration. So I am doing this now.We are located @\n\n George Chumillo Law Firm PLLC\n 7224 Blanco Rd.Suite 200\n San Antonio Texas 78216\n\n We do handle all types of cases: Criminal to Immigration..Please refer people.Use my name and we will help out! All Consults are free always!\n Respectfully I Remain \n Prof. Joseph M. Fonseca Jr \"T\" Adjunct Professor-Palo Alto College Prof. Joseph M .Fonseca