Texas A&M University College Station - Architecture
Dean, College of Architecture at Texas A&M University
Architecture & Planning
Bryan/College Station, Texas Area
Specialties: Built Environment Sustainability
Best Practices for Life Cycle Management of AEC Projects
Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Group Leader of the Construction Engineering & Management Program.
Director, Center for Housing and Urban Development
Jorge worked at Texas A&M University as a Director, Center for Housing and Urban Development
Interim Dean College of Architecture
Responsible for four departments, five research centers, almost 2,000 students, approximately 130 faculty and 65 staff members, a hands on demonstration research and education facility (14 acres), and several programs abroad.
Professor, Department of Architecture
Jorge worked at Texas A&M University as a Professor, Department of Architecture
Dean, College of Architecture
Responsible for four departments, five research centers, almost 2,000 students, approximately 130 faculty and 65 staff members, a hands on demonstration research and education facility (14 acres), and several programs abroad.
Policy Analyst and Advisor
Jorge worked at Army Environmental Policy Institute as a Policy Analyst and Advisor
Assistant Professor
Jorge worked at Purdue University as a Assistant Professor
Civil Engeering-Construction Engineering & Management
Civil Engeering-Construction Engineering & Management