Jonathan Herold

 Jonathan Herold

Jonathan Herold

  • Courses1
  • Reviews2


University of Toronto St. George Campus - History


  • 2015.

    Review of Crouch



    with Richard Dace. The Newburgh Earldom of Warwick and its Charters

    1088-1253. Publications of The Dugdale Society

    48. Stratford-upon-Avon: Dugdale Society

    Review of Epigraphic Literacy and Christian Identity: modes of written discourse in the newly Christian European North (edited by Kristel Zilmer and Judith Jesch. Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy

    4. Turnhout

    Belgium: Brepols


    Review of Along the Oral-Written Continuum: Types of Texts

    Relations and their Implications (edited by Slavica Ranković

    Leidulf Melve and Else Mundal. Turnhout: Brepols




    St. Michael's College

    University of Toronto

    Glendon College

    York University

    University of Toronto

    Glendon College

    York University

    St. Michael's College

    University of Toronto

    University of Toronto

    Trent University

    Glendon College

    York University

    University of Toronto

    Glendon College

    York University

    Research Assistant

    Anglo-Saxon Formulary Project

    University of Toronto Centre for Medieval Studies. Responsibilities included website design

    maintenance and online project development for the Centre for Medieval Studies

    University of Toronto

    digital image processing of medieval manuscripts and electronic text encoding.

    University of Toronto


    Trent University

    Glendon College

    York University



    Course Director for GL/HIST 3243 3.0(EN) \"History of Anglo-Saxon England\".

    Course Director

    Teaching Assistant; Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science

    University of Toronto. Responsibilities included directing tutorials for two sections of HPS 201h1f

    “Origins of Western Technology”

    marking tests and written assignments.

    University of Toronto

    University of Toronto

    MASP Project

    Centre for Medieval Studies

    Electronic text preparation for new relational database project

    \"Mapping Anglo-Saxon Poetry\".

    Research Assistant

    Glendon College

    York University

    Teaching Assistant

    Responsibilities included directing tutorials for two sections of SMC 210y1y

    “The Mediaeval Tradition”; assisting in evaluation of student written work

    marking tests

    examinations and written assignments.

    St. Michael's College

    University of Toronto

    University of Toronto

    University of Trinity College in the University of Toronto

    Directed humanities seminar CCR199Y1Y


    Traders and Invaders: the Vikings and their Descendants\".


    University of Trinity College in the University of Toronto

    Directing humanities seminar CCR199Y1Y LEC0041

    \"The Vikings and their Descendants\".


    University of Toronto



    Course Director for GL/HIST 2601 3.0 (EN) \"History of Early Medieval Europe\" (September to December 2017; September to December 2015; January to May 2015); Course Director for GL/HIST 2602 3.0 (EN) \"History of Later Medieval Europe (January to May 2016); Course Director for GL/HIST 3243 3.0 (EN) \"History of Anglo-Saxon England\" (January to May 2017; January to May 2014).

    Course Director

    Glendon College

    York University

    Course Director for GL/HIST 2600 6.0: “The History of Medieval Europe” (September 2008 – May 2009). Responsibilities included developing course curriculum

    conducting lectures and tutorials

    and evaluating student examinations and research projects.

    Glendon College

    York University

    Teaching Assistant

    Assistant Instructor/Teaching Assistant (with Dr. Greti Dinkova-Bruun) for “The Middle Ages and the Movies”

    (September–December 2004 and September–December 2005) for the undergraduate Medieval Studies Program at St. Michael’s College

    University of Toronto. Responsibilities included assisting with the development of course curriculum

    examinations and final projects

    leading class discussions for two of the six films studied

    and assisting in evaluation of student written work.

    St. Michael's College

    University of Toronto

    Research Assistant

    Research Assistant

    “Joseph of Exeter’s Ylias: a verse translation.” Responsibilities included OCR scanning and proofreading of a poetic text

    conversion of the text to an electronically-distributable format and creation of an associated website (

    University of Toronto

  • 1997



    Doctoral Thesis defended 2 May

    2008; degree conferred 13 November

    2008 (Thesis Title: “Memoranda and Memoria: Assessing the Preservation of Acta at Eleventh-Century Worcester”).\nPrimary Research Field: Administrative and Institutional History of Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman England

    c. 595 – 1189 (Major Field Title: “Records and Record-keeping in Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman England”).

    Medieval Studies

    Committee member

    Friends of the Library of the Pontifical Institute for Mediaeval Studies

    1998–2010; Student member

    Publications Committee and Annual Conference Committee


    2001–02; Curriculum Committee

    2000–01; Directed \"Christ Before Pilate\" as part of June 21

    1998 production of the York Mystery Play Cycle

    Victoria College

    University of Toronto.

    University of Toronto

  • 1994




    Old (ca.450-1100)







    Phi Beta Kappa 1997\nWingspread Foundation Fellow

    1996–97\nHonors Program Committee

    1996–97\nDeans Honor List 1994–97

  • 1980

    Liberal Arts

  • Lecturing

    Student Development


    Student Affairs



    Research Design

    Academic Writing


    Curriculum Design

    Literature Reviews

    Grant Writing


    University Teaching

    Archival Research

    Higher Education


    College Teaching


    Qualitative Research

    “Kick Ass and Take Names: Presenting the York Cycle’s Christ before Pilate as a Meditation on Power and Authority.”

    “Kick Ass and Take Names: Presenting the York Cycle’s Christ before Pilate as a Meditation on Power and Authority.”

    Entry for \"Augustine of Canterbury and the Conversion of the Anglo-Saxons (c. 595).\"

    Review of English Episcopal Acta 33

    Worcester 1062 –1185 (edited by M. Cheney

    David Smith

    Christopher Brooke and Philippa Hoskin. Oxford: Oxford UP


    Review of Practice in Learning: the Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages (edited by Rolf H. Bremmer and Kees Dekker. Storehouses of Wholesome Learning II / Mediaevalia Groningana

    n. s. 16. Paris/Leuven/Walpole

    MA: Peeters


    Review of Domesday Now: New Approaches to the Inquest and the Book (edited by David Roffe and K. S. B. Keats-Rohan. The Boydell Press


    Review of Three Cartularies from Thirteenth-Century Auxerre (edited by Constance Brittain Bouchard. Medieval Academy Books

    No. 113. Toronto

    Canada / Buffalo

    NY / London

    UK: University of Toronto Press


    Entries for “Worcester”


    “Bishop Wulfstan of Worcester”

    “Mercia” and “Domesday Book” in The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: an Encyclopedia (Dr. Chris Snyder

    General Editor)

    Review of Strategies of Writing: Studies on Text and Trust in the Middle Ages (edited by Petra Schulte

    Marco Mostert and Irene van Renewoude. Turnhout: Brepols


CCR 199
