Professor Cihonski kicked everyone home from the laboratory section. She told us to drop the class to save a few extra money because, we couldn't answer his questions. He also felt like nobody cares. Every class under him has the same experience from us.
Professor Cihonski's lecture is a boring presentation. He read his slides loudly rather than explaining them. He won't upload his slides but we were allowed to take pictures of it. For me it doesn't make sense. De Anza College has no other professor available this fall quarter, so I have to drop it. I will not choose his class again.
Cihonski's tests are extremely long, and even though the homework isn't mandatory you will need to do it in order to pass his test and get extra credit. If you only learn his slides you will end up with a C. He is a practical professor, there are no lab test, just submit lab synopsis. I recommend that you take him.
De Anza College - Chemistry