Professor Goodey's is more of a mom, her lecturers are good however they sometimes feel like they drag on a little to long. Since a lot of her questions on tests are "do you know which formula to use here" she gives a formula sheet, which is awesome. Unlike other professors she doesn't give needlessly complicated free response questions.
As a freshman, chem 107 was really hard for me, but Prof. Goodey made it bearable. Be sure to do OWL homework and study hard for exams. I didn't go to SI even once which I really regret. Chem 107 isn't the worst part, but Chem 117 is terrible. They really curve the class because nobody knows what's going on.
Goodey was very caring and accessible, she taught the course good, and often emphasized students that grades didn't define them. All the negative feelings I had about this course were due to the subject (not Goodey) I've always struggled with chemistry.
Prof. Joanna is amazing, but she gives so much work. You won't need the textbook, but you'll have to buy it for your homework. You can see that she's passionate about what she does and lectures can take really long! Do not skip this class because we had clicker questions that counts for a grade as well.
Professor Goodey is good at lecturing. I found her practice exams and lectures to be nothing like the actual exams though. EOC homework is much more like the exam. She was a fine professor, but she always did give homework even during breaks. She gave a three-hour lecture and homework the day after the final exam in the laboratory and three days before the final exam.
Texas A&M University College Station - Chemistry
Texas A&M University
Barnard College
University of Houston
University of Houston
Visiting Assistant Professor
Barnard College
Associate Graduate Advisor and Instructional Assistant Professor
Texas A&M University
Texas A&M University
Department of Chemistry
Associate Graduate Advisor and Senior Lecturer