Professor Sheng's exams were difficult, but he's an understanding grader. For two weeks, he's talking about hypersonic missiles, then took a third week for conferences. Also, he has a lock on heat transfer and thermal systems designs. The coronavirus semester has been hectic, we lost another week after spring break. So, we didn't make it to the textbook. It's a learn on your own class. The help sheets are real though. There's no escape. I rate his class four out of five.
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi - Engineering
Edward Whitacre Endowed Chair of Sustainable Energy, Texas Tech
Higher Education
Lubbock, Texas
Positions Available:
Postdoc position avaiable on research project on active and passive particle near oil-water interface. The project will involve the development of microfluidic technology to establish suspended micro-scale oil droplet or emulsions, microscopic measurement of bacterial locomotion or passive particulate movement near a stationary oil-water interface, and development of transport model for particulates near the interface. The additional responsibility include analysis of data, prepare paper, supervise undergraduate researchers. please contact Prof. Sheng at directly for this job.
Research Area.
[1] Active particle transport near surfaces or interfaces with micro-/nano-scale textures - biofilm formation over solid substrate and oil-water interface
[2] Experimental Fluid Mechanics
[3] Physical/Biological Oceanography
[4] MEMS and microfabrication techniques
Assistant Professor
Jian worked at University of Minnesota as a Assistant Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Jian worked at The John Hopkins University as a Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Jian worked at The John Hopkins University as a Adjunct Associate Professor
Edward Whitacre Endowed Associate Professor
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Engineering
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: