University of Toronto St. George Campus - Physics
Senior Lecturer at University of Toronto
Higher Education
Toronto, Canada Area
I am an astronomer turned full-time physics teacher. I strive to improve my teaching, develop teaching resources, and publish physics education research.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
A radial velocity survey of nearby M dwarfs selected from the Vyssotsky catalogue. As a result I discovered a double-lined spectroscopic binary system, GL372A+B.
Senior Lecturer
Physics Department Teaching Faculty
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant
Completed a Ph.D. and worked on side research projects such as design, construction and commissioning of a spectrograph on a large telescope. Also worked with archival Hubble Space Telescope data. Also was head Teaching Assistant.
Assistant Professor
Physics Department
Telescope Operator
Was the night assistant, operating and maintaining the 2-m reflecting telescope, working with astronomers, performing cloudy-night duties such as archival research projects.
Physics and Astronomy
Undergraduate Research Assistant
A radial velocity survey of nearby M dwarfs selected from the Vyssotsky catalogue. As a result I discovered a double-lined spectroscopic binary system, GL372A+B.
Senior Lecturer
Physics Department Teaching Faculty
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant
Completed a Ph.D. and worked on side research projects such as design, construction and commissioning of a spectrograph on a large telescope. Also worked with archival Hubble Space Telescope data. Also was head Teaching Assistant.
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: