I took Professor Rezaee for my MPA 540 course. Her assignments were based on the readings, not on lectures. There's a lot of weekly readings in class. It includes two page reading responses that were graded fairly and not too bad. Also, there were two big case study essays and a take home essay style finals. Those were both a bit heavy. On the other hand, she's a fair grader and a very nice person.
Professor Rezaee is affectionate. But sometimes, her lectures were a bit dry. She's very kind and very knowledgeable. I was very scared in giving presentation in front because, her face is blank during presentations.
Doctor Rezaee is very kind and friendly. She's approachable and always ready to help. His lectures may be dry, but that's more due to the basic nature of the class content. She does her best to bring in interesting examples too. Also, she's a fairly easy grader. Most of her assignments and exams are straightforward too. You need to show up because she does the homework in class.
Professor Rezaee is a very friendly and caring professor. The class is not burdensome in terms of work output. Also, she's very responsive and accommodating if you have questions. This aspect may not be applicable to all semesters. However, it was also very flexible during the transition to online classes during Covid-19. Take 225 with her if you have the opportunity.
University of Southern California - Policy Planning & Development