James Ball

 James Ball

James W. Ball

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Northeastern Illinois University - Physical Education

Department Chair of Health Sciences and Physical Education at Northeastern Illinois University
Higher Education
Chicago, Illinois

In my role as department chair I have many responsibilities that include: managing the department budget, scheduling and leading the department meetings, attending all administrative college of education and university meetings, maintaining records for all meetings, maintaining records for content test scores and all reports for accreditation at the state and national level, managing support staff and helping them with their duties when they are gone, advising students on which degree they should pursue based on their future professional interests, meeting with students to address student alerts and dispositional issues, assigning teaching loads for faculty and instructors, monitoring the departments' direct and indirect funds, completing course and program modification forms to update the department curricula, creating and reviewing the course schedule each semester, completing yearly evaluations and tenure reviews for staff, faculty and instructors, and communicating with local community organizations, community stakeholders, potential donors, high schools, and community colleges to recruit potential students and create partnerships for the degree programs offered within the HSPE Department and the College of Education at NEIU.

I make it a point to work with all faculty and staff to create a transparent and productive environment where people are excited to come to work and motivated to help students be successful. I am a motivated, forward thinking, hard working, and dedicated employee who is well versed in contract negotiation and conflict resolution with more than 10 years of past managerial experiences in multiple for-profit and non-profit organizations.


  • Northeastern Illinois University

    Department Chair of Health Sciences and Physical Education

    James worked at Northeastern Illinois University as a Department Chair of Health Sciences and Physical Education

Possible Matching Profiles

The following profiles may or may not be the same professor:

Possible Matching Profiles

The following profiles may or may not be the same professor:

  • James Ballard (30% Match)
    Center Associate Administrator
    University of Kentucky - Public Universities

  • James W Ballard (80% Match)
    Technical College Faculty
    Mesabi Range Community and Technical College - Eveleth - Mn St Colleges & Universities