University of Toronto St. George Campus - Anthropology
Postdoctoral Fellow at York University
Higher Education
Thornbury, Ontario, Canada
I am a cultural anthropologist specializing in the political ecology of conservation and development and the cultural politics of indigeneity. My research has explored linkages between ecotourism and resource extraction, community-based conservation, indigenous land rights, and the growing intersection between conservation, outdoor recreation, and new media technologies. I have a Ph.D. from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto in 2017, advanced training and expertise in qualitative and ethnographic research methods, including Stakeholder Analysis, and have conducted 16 months of ethnographic research in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Courses Taught:
• SOC 3380 Society and Nature (Fall 2010)
Courses taught:
• ANTH4100 Gifts and Commodities (Winter 2015)
• ERSC 3160 Community-Based Natural Resource Management (Winter 2010)
• ANTH3080 Anthropology of Tourism (Winter 2011, 2012, Fall 2013, 2014)
• ANTH2312 Anthropology of Media (Winter 2018)
• ANTH2002 Ethnographic Exploration (Winter 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
• ANTH2001 Cultural Anthropology (Fall 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Instructor, Department of Anthropology
Courses Taught:
• ANT440 Society in Transition (Fall 2012)
• ANTC10 Anthropological Perspectives on Development (Fall 2011, 2013)
• ANT374 Rethinking Development, Or the Improvement of the World (Fall 2015)
• ANT364 Environment and Globalization (Full year 2012/13)
• ANT357 Nature, People and Power (Winter 2018)
• ANT351 Contested Environments (Fall 2014)
• ANT324 Tourism and Globalization (Fall 2014)
• ANT207 Core Concepts in Social-Cultural Anthropology (Summer 2014)
• ANTB01 Political Ecology (Fall 2013)
• ANTA02 Introduction to Anthropology: Society, Culture and Language (Summer 2012, 2013, 2017)
• ANT100 Introduction to Anthropology (Full year 2012/13, 2013/14, Summer 2012, 2013, 2014)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Conducted research and literature reviews as part of the SSHRC-funded project Canadian Conservation in Global Context. Research focussed on Parks Canada’s policy of Connecting Canadians to Nature and the promotion and use of social media and digital technologies to engage Canadians.
Postdoctoral Fellow
James worked at York University as a Postdoctoral Fellow
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
International Development
Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Courses Taught:
• SOC 3380 Society and Nature (Fall 2010)
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
Instructor, Department of Anthropology
Courses Taught:
• ANT440 Society in Transition (Fall 2012)
• ANTC10 Anthropological Perspectives on Development (Fall 2011, 2013)
• ANT374 Rethinking Development, Or the Improvement of the World (Fall 2015)
• ANT364 Environment and Globalization (Full year 2012/13)
• ANT357 Nature, People and Power (Winter 2018)
• ANT351 Contested Environments (Fall 2014)
• ANT324 Tourism and Globalization (Fall 2014)
• ANT207 Core Concepts in Social-Cultural Anthropology (Summer 2014)
• ANTB01 Political Ecology (Fall 2013)
• ANTA02 Introduction to Anthropology: Society, Culture and Language (Summer 2012, 2013, 2017)
• ANT100 Introduction to Anthropology (Full year 2012/13, 2013/14, Summer 2012, 2013, 2014)
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Cultural Anthropology