Mesa Community College - Communication
Instructional Consultant for Community Development at Rio Salado College, Tempe, Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona Area
Improving communication and teacher/learning in the workplace and in the classroom
Professor, Department Chair and VP of a Academic Affairs
Professor of Speech Communication 1967-2006
Department Chair of Communication, Theatre Arts, Telecommunication and Sign Language for twenty-one years
Vice President of Academic Affairs for 2.5 years
Vice President of Academic Affairs 2006-2008
James worked at Mesa Community College as a Vice President of Academic Affairs 2006-2008
Instructional Consultant for Community Development
Research, Planning, Consultation, In-service activities
Instructional Consultant Community Development
Recent recipient of the Southwest Communication Associations' "Lifetime of Giving Back" honor, spring, 2014.
Executive Assistant - Instructional Programs
New Program/Curriculum Development
Masters Degree
Communication and Theatre Arts
Cours work
Community College Education