Professor Cleary is very nice and knowledgeable. The exams were very challenging. We were not given details that would bee tested on. Many exam questions were very specific and required you to know the PowerPoint information by heart. I recommend studying the slides after every class. He also only gave 50 points for the online homework
You have to pay attention to Professor Cleary, same as the other classes, for you to pass. He was very helpful when the class transitioned online. There will be three exams, followed by a final exam. They are relatively simple, just put in effort. I suggest you take good notes and you will pass this class. My sincere gratitude to this professor.
I thought I was going to really like Microbiology. Professor Cleary's lectures make the content seem doable. However, his exams are some of the most difficult I've ever seen. I studied as much as I could, but still could not do well. Maybe if you take this as your only hard class, it's better, but I did not. I don't recommend his class. If you can, avoid him.
Grand Valley State University - Biomedical Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Molecular Genetics
University of Alberta
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Molecular Genetics
University of Alberta
Fluorescence Microscopy
Molecular Cloning
Molecular Genetics
DNA Extraction
University Teaching
Molecular Biology
RNA Isolation
real-time PCR
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Grand Valley State University
The University of Tennessee at Martin
Assistant Professor
The University of Tennessee at Martin
Assistant Professor
Greater Grand Rapids
Michigan Area
Grand Valley State University
Postdoctoral Fellow
San Antonio
Texas Area
The University of Texas at San Antonio
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: