Prof. Tong is amazing! Her micro class is honestly how all online classes should be. She has a clear and concise schedule! Online lectures were very accessible as well. She gives 1 project which is pretty fun. The exams she gives are very similar to the practice exams as well. I'd take another class with her if given the chance!
I took Professor Tong online for the summer. To be honest, she's the best professor I've ever had. Her work load is not heavy, unless you like to take notes. You may or may not take notes. They aren't graded nor listed as an assignment. Her video lectures are simple too. She sounds warm and friendly in her lectures as well. I absolutely love her.
Prof. Tong is the best microbiology prof! Her video lectures were straightforward and understandable. Exams are exactly like the study guide and homework. She's very organized and clear!
I took Doctor Tong's MICR130 online class. I can say that, she's very involved as an online professor. Her study guides will help you with your exams and homework. I felt there was a lot of memorization though and 20% of it was on the exam. On the other hand, she has a very straightforward lecture video. Just participate in the discussions, do all your homework and do the extra credit assignment, then you'll have an easy A.
Hsin-I is a lovely lady who cares about her students, she is always there for you if you are struggling with the course and is very approachable! Grade comes from 12 HW assignments, attendance, 3 exams, and a group project. I suggest you do the study guides even though they're optional because it really helps you prepare for exams.
Doctor Tong is very inspirational. She understands the struggle of the students. She's always willing to help you. She never makes you feel bad if you answered wrong or aren't sure of the answer. You can ask her any question. And if she does not know the answer, she'll find it for you. Overall, she's truly encouraging.
University of Hawaii: Honolulu Community College - Biology
Student member
Society of Neuroimmune Pharmacology
Scientist MBA
Student member
American Society for Virology
Cheeky Scientist Association
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Hawaii student chapter-ASM
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Management Trained Associate
Scientist MBA
Student member
American Society for Microbiology
Student member
Hawaii Branch
American Society for Microbiology
1st place in PhD student oral presentation
Annual Spring meeting of American Society of Microbiology
Hawaii Branch
Best Overall
Biomedical Sciences Symposium
John A. Burns School of Medicine
University of Hawaii
Master of Science (M.S.)
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Biochemical Science and Technology
Student Ambassador
National Taiwan University
Guided and supervised summer students (undergrads & high school students) to conduct environmental water survey study
and to perform experiments to detect the presence of human enteric viruses in environmental samples.
Environmental health Laboratory
University of Hawaii
Science mentor
Served as a science mentor to help local high school students to design and conduct water quality survey experiments to participate in state science fair.
Environmental Health Laboratory
Office of Public Health Studies
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Funding member
National Taiwan University Roots and Shoots of the Jane Goodall Institute
Technology Transfer Intern
♦︎ Performed technology assessment by conducting prior art search on patents and\npublished literatures
evaluating competitions
and discovering commercial applications.\n\n♦︎ Identified potential business partners
created prospect lists
and drafted marketing\nabstracts for target companies.
Office of Technology Transfer and Economic Development (OTTED)
University of Hawaii
Student Ambassador
Office of International Affairs
National Taiwan University
Business Development
Magnetic Nanoparticles
Molecular Biology
Flow Cytometry
Market Research
Lentiviral vector production
Primary Cell Isolation
Gene Therapy
Science Communication
Mammalian Cell Culture
Project Management
Molecular Cloning
Technology Transfer
Monocyte Trafficking
and Delivery of Nanoparticles and an Exogenous Gene into the Acutely Inflamed Brain Tissue - Evaluations on Monocyte-Based Delivery System for the Central Nervous System.
Yuanan Lu
Richard C. Allsopp
Si Sun
Yingli Shi
Philip M.C. Davy
Wen Kang
Monocyte Trafficking
and Delivery of Nanoparticles and an Exogenous Gene into the Acutely Inflamed Brain Tissue - Evaluations on Monocyte-Based Delivery System for the Central Nervous System.
Monocytes-Derived Macrophages Mediated Stable Expression of Human Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
a Novel Therapeutic Strategy for NeuroAIDS
The Pacific White Shrimp β-actin Promoter: Functional Properties and the Potential Application for Transduction System Using Recombinant Baculovirus
Anti-tat Hutat2:Fc mediated protection against tat-induced neurotoxicity and HIV-1 replication in human monocyte-derived macrophages
New Approaches for Enhanced Detection of Enteroviruses from Hawaiian Environmental Waters
Yuanan Lu
Howard E Gendelman
Larisa Poluektova
Santhi Gorantla
Weizhe Li
Journal of NeuroImmune Pharmacology
Neuropharmacologic approaches to restore the brain’s microenvironment.
Bacterial pathogens in Hawaiian coastal streams-Associations with fecal indicators
land cover
and water quality
Yuanan Lu
Alexandria B. Boehm
Christina Connell
Effective detection of human Noroviruses in Hawaiian waters using enhanced RT-PCR methods.
Yuanan Lu
Effective detection of human adenovirus in Hawaiian waters using enhanced PCR methods
Hepatitis C virus infection in patients with HIV-1: Epidemiology
natural history and management
Yuanan Lu
GuangZhou Zhou
Yingli Shi
Wen Kang
Physiological function and inflamed-brain migration of mouse monocyte-derived macrophages following cellular uptake of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles-Implication of macrophage-based drug delivery into the central nervous system
Evaluation on monocyte-mediated delivery of a therapeutic gene into the inflamed brain
Effective concentration
and detection of infectious adenoviruses from environmental waters.
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Environmental Health Laboratory
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Department of Microbiology
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu Community College
♦︎ Conduct comprehensive literature reviews on targeted research areas
and perform internet searches to gather and analyze information from primary scientific findings
commercial & pipeline products
and biotech companies to plot out technology landscapes. \n\n♦︎ Communicate within teams of 4 to 5 scientists and engineers to provide technology assessments in written reports for clients from 6 biotech companies. \n\n\n
Global Scholar
♦︎ Developed a PCR-based array that allows rapid monitoring of multiple human enteric viruses and fecal indicator bacteria contamination in environmental water. \n\n♦︎ Collaborated with an external research team to complete two field surveys on O'ahu
leading to co-authorships on a highly-cited peer-reviewed paper (>40 citations). \n\n♦︎ Prepared a comprehensive training manual on \"Environmental Virus Concentration & Detection Workshop\"
and participated as the primary trainer for School of Public Health at Wuhan University
China (May 2011).
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Environmental Health Laboratory
♦︎ Taught General Microbiology
and Microbial Physiology Laboratory courses for the Department of Microbiology; participated in course curriculum and protocol development.\n\n♦︎ Maintained 70+ general and medical microorganism cultures – including viruses
and fungi; conducted various biochemical and culture-based tests for microbial identification and stock culture quality controls (QC)
and established over 50 bacterial frozen stocks for long-term storage for the department. \n
Graduate Teaching Assistant
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Department of Microbiology
♦︎ Conducted experimental biomedical science research in the area of cell-based immunotherapy using nanoparticles
lentiviral vectors
genetically engineered cells (PBMC
monocytes and macrophages)
and in vivo animal model (neuroinflamamtion and HIV encephalitis mouse model). \n\n♦︎ Developed and optimized molecular
cellular and immunoassays (flow cytometry panel; viral vector design
production and transduction; qPCR/RT-PCR; ELISA; primary immune cell culture conditions; protein expressing cell lines; cryosection; IF/IHC) to evaluate genetically modified monocyte-based therapeutic system targeting brain inflammation in mouse models. \n\n♦︎ Organized and participated in cross-institutional research collaborations (both internally and externally); delivered 3 research projects within allocated budgets and timeframes
resulting in 13 publications and grant renewal for 5 consecutive years. \n\n♦︎ Optimized and established protocols; trained colleagues and junior researchers to perform lab-specific SOP for equipment usage and experiment methodologies. \n\n♦︎ Prepared regulatory documents (IBC and IACUC protocols) annually from 2011 - 2016. \n\n♦︎ Served as a mentor for local high school students to conduct research project for state science fair.
PhD Researcher
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Hawaiian Islands
Biological Sciences
Honolulu Community College